Same Old World

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Dragonstone Pov

I was in the barn on the back of the truck bed while resting to regain my energy, Lapis was beside me as I tried to reach out to her but remembered how I hurt her making me withdraw my hand

Dragonstone: "How could I let the cluster influence me like that..." I face palm and groan while sitting up "What if it was the diamonds...would I have hurt Lapis or worse...shatter her?" I remember the countless gems I destroyed in the past "I never want to be that gem again." Lapis grabbed my arm and pulled me down

Lapis: "Somethings bothering you." She frowns "It was only an accident, so don't be worried."

Dragonstone: "Accidents don't involve attacking someone you care so much about due to your own weakness..." I turn away

Timeskip—next day

I was in the barn with Lapis and Peridot as Steven came in looking sad before running up to me and hugging my legs tightly

Steven: "Are you sure you're going to stay?! What if I'm too far away and you can't hear me?! What if I scream?" He teared up slightly

Dragonstone: I sighed before chuckling softly "You do know I'm just a fly away, right? Besides, Lapis and Peridot prefer it here, who am I to force them to live in my dark cavern at the temple?"

Steven: "'re right..." he looked down before Dragonstone knelt down to him with a soft smile

Dragonstone: "I can make one promise though."

Steven: he looks up "What's that?"

Dragonstone: "I'll bring them over for sleepovers at the temple. And we'll do all the stuff you love, like watching, weeping dinner buddies."

Steven: he laughs "It's Crying Breakfast Friends." He smiles and sniffs "Okay! We can beach fun sleepovers!"

Lapis: "I'll make sure he keeps that promise, Steven." She laughs and flicks Dragonstone's ear

Dragonstone: "Hey, you make it sound like I'm lying to the boy." I smirk and cross my arms

Lapis: "Well, you do tend to stretch the truth a little." She plants a kiss on his cheek "Plus, we're gonna be real busy sometimes." She smiles

Peridot: she stands between the two and clears her throat "You two need to help me fix the the broken walls!" She points to the barn

Dragonstone: "Yeah, we'd better get to that before Peridot freaks out." I looked down at Peridot

Peridot: "I don't freak out!"

Lapis: "Yeah, she gets real bossy too." She frowns at Peridot

Peridot: "I'm not bossy!" She grumbles and storms off

Dragonstone: "Don't worry, she'll get used to it." I chuckle softly before we walked off into the barn. While I was busy helping peridot and lapis with repairs before I looked into the distance and thought I saw Jasper but it was just a bush blowing which looked like her flowing white hair and her build "That's strange..."

Lapis: she flew down to him "You okay? You're staring a lot."

Dragonstone: "Nothing...just...something on my mind." I feel a twinge of anger and hate in my chest 'I will find her eventually.'

Steven: "Have you guys seen lion?" He walked inside as they three gems looks at him in confusion

Peridot: "Weren't you supposed to be gone a long time ago?"

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