The room

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3rd Pov
Beach house

Steven is eating a can of cream corn on the kitchen counter, as he dramatically narrates his actions.

Steven: "This is it, folks. Rookie sensation Steven Universe readies his last spoon full of Colonel Kernel's Classic Creamed Corn. As the crowd waits with bated breath, one bite between him... and destiny." takes an spoonful of cream corn and swallows it "And he's done it! He's eaten four cans of creamed corn!" The Temple Gate opens and the Gems walk out of Pearl's Room.

Pearl: "Good afternoon, Steven."

Steven: "Guys, check this out!" gathers the empty cans off the kitchen counter

Amethyst: "Stoo-man in the house! Whatcha got? Whatcha got?"

Steven: "I got four empty cans of Colonel Kernel's Classic Creamed Corn!"

Garnet: "... Cool."

Steven: "Yeah, and on the back, are five dollar coupons for mini-golf. I ate four cans, so we all can go together."

Dragonstone: "Sounds like you worked real hard for us." Pats his head and ruffles his hair softly

Pearl: "That's so thoughtful, Steven. Unfortunately though, uhh..."

Amethyst: shrugs "We gotta go on a mission..."

Steven: "What?" drops the cans in shock "Not again! But you guys promised we'd hang out!"

Dragonstone: "It's dangerous work, so you have to stay here and we can hang out when we have time.." I crossed my arms

Garnet: "A dangerous artifact has appeared in the Northern Hemisphere, we need to go retrieve it." walks towards the Warp Pad

Steven: "But mini-golf is so much fun! There's castles, and windmills, and I like it, and- oh look, look what I brought!" runs to the living room "I pulled out my dad's old clubs and also found a pair of his old golf pants. They're a little big on me, but you can wear them, Garnet!" Pearl and Amethyst chuckle while Dragonstone face palms and Garnet's face remains expressionless. The Gems then step on the warp pad.

Amethyst: "See ya, buddy!"

Pearl: "We'll bring you something back!"

Dragonstone: "Don't open the door for strangers." The Gems warp away. Steven sighs heavily and falls backwards onto the ground.

Timeskip—next day
Dragonstone Pov

We came back from our mission and amethyst instantly ran up to Steven sleeping area as Amethyst suddenly pops in from above and blocks Steven's view.

Amethyst: "HEY, STEVEN! Wanna hear about where we've been?"

Steven: "Un— Oh! Wait! Wait, hold on!" pushes Amethyst's head aside

Ace: wiping the fog on the cryogenic capsule "June 9, 2014? But that was the date he disappeared!" Amethyst then tumbles in front of Steven, completely blocking his view.

Steven: "Hey!"

Garnet: "Steven! Look at this." plants an artifact on the bedroom floor Ace keeps talking in the background.

Amethyst: "It's the Wailing Stone we found!"

Garnet: "The Wailing Stone I found."

Dragonstone: "I was the one who retrieved it." I stood by the loft as I crossed my arms and huffed

Pearl: "Isn't it neat? It uses high-frequency sound waves as a message relay..."

Steven: trying to watch the game cutscene "Guuuys!"

Pearl: "...Between two fixed points in space and time!"

Amethyst: "Look, you just have to push this!" presses the top of the Wailing Stone The Wailing Stone activates and emits a loud piercing noise, forcing everyone to cover their ears and even breaking the TV. Pearl quickly pushes the top of the Wailing Stone, turning it off.

Dragonstone: sighs "There goes another tv." I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance

Pearl : Amethyst, I told you not to turn it on the house!

Amethyst: "Hahaha! Chill out, P. It's not like anyone got hurt, and Steven loved it!" sees a dazed Steven "Steven?"

Steven: "THAT WAS THE SECRET ENDING! Now I have to replay the final dungeon all over again! It's not fair! I can't go mini-golfing, I can't play my game, I can't stop going into the bathroom because I ate all that Creamed Corn, so much corn..." sighs "I just wish I had a place for myself." Steven's gem suddenly starts glowing, and he lifts up his shirt to inspect it.

Steven: "Huh? My gem!" A hum is heard from the Temple Gate as the Crystal Gems turn toward it. Rose's Symbol begins to glow as well on the Temple Gate.

Dragonstone: "What could it be doing this time." I looked to the Temple gate

Pearl: "Rose's door. Steven, your gem is opening your mother's room." The door opens up with Rose's symbol and reveals a doorway glowing in light pink.

Steven: approaches the doorway "Woah..." The Gems collectively warn Steven.

Pearl & Amethyst: "Steven, wait!"

Garnet: "Steven, don't go in there!"

Dragonstone: "We don't know what might happen to you in there!"

Steven; "It's never about what I wanna do, is it? Well now we have a place where I'm going and YOU CAN'T COME!!" stomps into the room

Dragonstone, Pearl, Amethyst, & Garnet: "STEVEN!" The door closes up behind Steven, separating him from the Gems as dragonstone punches it

Dragonstone: "NO!"

Steven: "YES!"

Timeskip—same day
Still Dragonstone Pov

After a while of us waiting by the temple gate, Steven is seen catapulting out of Rose's room, hitting Garnet in the face, and they both collapse onto the floor as the other gems looked at the

Garnet: Oof!

Dragonstone: "Steven." I rushed over to him and knelt by the two

Steven: gasps "Garnet!" bites Garnet's arm

Garnet: "Ow..

Steven: gasps "You're not clouds!"

Amethyst: "Alright, Steven!" bites Pearl's arm

Pearl: in pain "AGHUUHH!!!"

Steven: "Guys, it was awful! I was trapped in a messed up version of Beach City. Everyone was acting super weird and..."

Amethyst: "Rose's room built the whole town?!"

Pearl: hits Amethyst's face with her elbow "It can't handle a task like that! Thank goodness you're OK!"

Dragonstone: "You could have gotten seriously hurt, and we wouldn't have been able to get you out. Don't ever jump into mysterious rooms ever again." I put my hand on his shoulder

Steven: sighs "I'm sorry I got mad, guys. I get it now. Things can't always go exactly how I want."

Pearl: "Oh Steven, we're sorry, too."

Amethyst: "Mm-hmm."

Garnet: "But guess what? We have time to hang out, now."

Steven: gasps "Really!?"

Dragonstone: "Yep, we will do what you want."

Mini Golf Course

Steven: "I always get what I want!" Garnet, wearing Greg's golf pants, lightly putts a golf ball into a hole while Amethyst and Dragonstone watches.

Dragonstone: "This is strangely entertaining." I cross my arms watching the ball roll to the hole

Steven Universe: DragonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now