Past Memories

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Beach House

Steven is lying on the couch in the living room, reading a series of novels titled "The No Home Boys".

Steven: "Woah, how are they gonna get out of this one??" turns to the next page "Oh, that's how." Steven then hears the Gems returning on the Crystal Temple Warp Pad and runs over to greet them. "You're back!" notices several Flask Robonoids the Gems are carrying "Hey, it's those things from the Galaxy Warp. Why'd you bring them home?"

Dragonstone Pov

We returned from the galaxy warp holding some of the robots in our arms, since they are from homeworld who knows what this technology is capable of

Dragonstone: "Hello, Steven."looks at him with a slight smile

Pearl: "We can't have them reactivating and fixing the Homeworld Warp."

Amethyst: "Hey Steven, check this out! Kabloosh!" Amethyst crushes the Flask Robonoid in her hands, spilling green goo all around her and startling Pearl, causing her to drop her Flask Robonoids in hand.

Pearl: covered in goo "Amethyst, please! This is serious! We need to understand these things, not squash them. If Homeworld Gems are trying to return to Earth..." panics "THEY HAVE TO BE STOPPED!"

Garnet: "Pearl, calm down. We're still cut off. The Earth is safe."

Dragonstone: "Plus, they don't even know what's waiting if they do try and come here."

Steven: "Safe from what? What do the Homeworld Gems want to do?"

Pearl: exchanges looks with Garnet "Steven, a very long time ago, Gems tried to do something... very bad." looks at Amethyst, who quickly turns away "It was something that would have damaged the Earth. Some Gems, like your mother, Garnet, and myself, felt that this was unfair to the life that already existed here, and so we swore to never let the Earth be used for their... purposes. Even if it meant-" Amethyst approaches another Flask Robonoid and crushes it underneath her foot in upset. groans "-Even if it meant we could never go home."

Garnet: "We chose Earth."

Dragonstone: "Some of us for the safety of those they wanted to have a better life." looks at Amethyst with a solemn expression

Steven: "Wait a sec, so that means... we're just like the No Home Boys!"

Pearl: "The wha-?"

Steven: "The No Home Boys! It's a book series about these boys who have no home. So they travel around the country, living in boxcars, and riding river rafts, solving mysteries! They had a successful run, until the disastrous graphic novel adaptation. But my favorite story is this classic one where the no home boys are chased across the countryside by a mysterious pursuer, which turns out to be the very fear resting within themselves."

Pearl: "Steven, we are not like the No Home Boys. We are literally standing in your home right now." walks off with Garnet

Dragonstone: "I'm gonna go to my cavern." I pat amethysts head while looking down at her "We'll talk later, okay?"

Amethyst: "Whatever, you big softie." she smiles and gently hit his arm

Steven: "Aw, I wish, I was a No Home Boy. No past, no future, just the open road!"

Amethyst: "Yeah, sounds like fun. Let's do it."

Steven: "Really?!"

Amethyst: "Yeah. Let's run!" Steven and Amethyst pack some food in their own bindles on sticks and they begin to sing "On the Run". They leave the house and walk through Beach City, when Jenny, Buck Dewey and Sour Cream offer to give them a ride in Jenny's Car. They drive Steven and Amethyst to the edge of Beach City, and the pair run off into the countryside. They encounter a Raccoon and it joins them on their travel, but then attacks Steven while Amethyst looks on in laughter. They eventually come across a railroad as a train is passing by, and decide to hop aboard a boxcar. Steven and Amethyst continue singing their duet until the sunset, as they watch it from atop the boxcar.

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