Warp Trip

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Dragonstone Pov

It's been a few days since Steven's watermelon Steven attack and the gems and I as well as Steven were on another mission as Pearl and Amethyst were conversing positively for once as I watched proudly while walking with Garnet

Dragonstone: "You two seem in good spirits." I caught up to them "Good job, both of you."

Pearl: they both had lit cheeks blushing "Well, of course, Amethyst did an exceptional job today."

Amethyst: "Aw, you did to, P!" She hit pearls shoulder as they both smiled and Dragonstone gave them a slight smile before patting their heads

Dragonstone: "If you two can get along every mission it would make things way easier." I stood on the warp with the two of them as Steven came out from the field with a swollen face, tearing eyes and running nose before he sneezed

Pearl: "Ugh! Steven, you're supposed to sneeze into your Anticubital fauca!"

Steven: "My what?" He and Garnet got onto the warp

Dragonstone: "Elbow." The warp lit up and transported us before Steven sounded like he would sneeze again

Amethyst: points at Pearl "Do it on Pearl!"

Pearl: "Steven! Your fauca!" Steven sneeze and floated up as his head poke out of the warp stream before he was pulled back in by garnet "Careful! It's dangerous to stick your head out of the stream!"

Garnet: "There's not much air, and it's very cold." Flicked stevens dried snot off his nose

Steven: "You guys! I saw something out there!"

Pearl: "What?"

Steven: "Something warping."

Pearl: "Steven, that's not possible. Is your vision blurry from the pollen?"

Steven: with his eyes drooping "I can see perfectly..." squints "Pearl? I know there's something out there!"

Garnet: "There's nothing out there, Steven. There hasn't been anything else for a lo-o-ong, long time."


Amethyst and I came out of the Crystal temple as I sat by the counter and she went to the fridge. When she opened it and started eating food we heard a fearful scream as I looked to see Steven

Steven: "Amethyst!"

Amethyst: takes more food from the fridge "Hey, Steven! Want some, Macaroni cheese?" Tears open the packet and keeps eating

Dragonstone: "Sorry we woke you, Amethyst got hungry and it was somehow my problem" sighs while crossing my arms

Amethyst: mouth full "Come on, you know you love me!" She looked at Dragonstone while batting her eye lashes as he sighed heavily

Dragonstone: "I hate that you're right sometimes." Amethyst closed the fridge and hopped onto the counter beside me

Steven: "Hey guys, I can't fall asleep."

Amethyst: "Why? Are you scared of that "thing" you saw warping right into the house and attacking you in your sleep?"

Steven: pulls the blankets onto himself "No..."

Dragonstone: "Good." I grabbed amethyst and tossed her towards the temple gate as she flew in

Amethyst: "Whoa mama! Do it again, harder this time!" She laughs before Dragonstone went inside of the temple gate with her

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