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Dragonstone Pov
Beach house

The Gems and I are teaching Steven how to dance while "Fusion Disco" plays in the background

Pearl: snaps her fingers "A 5-6-7-8!" Steven and Amethyst try to dance in unison. Garnet walks in to observe.)

Pearl: "Synchronize!" still snapping fingers Amethyst tries to lift Steven, but she drops him and he falls. They both start laughing.

Pearl: irritated "Be serious!" Steven and Amethyst continue dancing while Pearl snaps her finger in rhythm. Amethyst successfully lifts Steven, but they both start laughing again. Pearl stops snapping and frowns in annoyance. She then takes over and begins to demonstrate with Dragonstone and Garnet next.

Pearl: "Pay attention now, Steven." Dragonstone and Garnet perform a ballroom dance, with Garnet twirling and lifting Dragonstone around as if he weighed nothing. Garnet then pins Dragonstone against a wall, both her hands on either side of Dragonstone's head with him looking up at her with a serious expression, as Pearl slightly blushes while watching them.

Pearl: turns at Steven "See?" beckoning gesture

Steven: stares at Pearl wide-eyed for a second, but then looks determined "Hmm. Steven tries to dance with Dragonstone and copy Garnet's moves. Garnet helps him with some of the poses, as he is too short. Dragonstone nods with a thumbs-up and looks at Garnet as the short Steven pins him against the wall. Steven and Amethyst dance together next, doing a dance similar to the "Macarena". Steven follows pretty well but is not as limber and flexible as Amethyst. Steven tries dancing with Garnet next, copying her dance, but cannot keep up with the speed of her hand movements. Steven then tries a ballet duet with Pearl. Pearl accidentally hits him in the face with her leg since he is too short, causing him to fall on the ground, and looks at him apologetically. The Gems then try to dance in unison with Steven. They snap their fingers in rhythm while Dragonstone had his arms crossed and tapped his foot; Steven is a bit off beat. The Gems each put one foot forward; Steven puts forward his hand. The Gems run in unison and exit stage right; Steven runs in the wrong way, quickly turns around and tries to catch up with them. The Gems slide, leap up, and pose in midair together; Steven tries to jump and pose as well, but quickly falls to the ground.

Steven's Kitchen

The Crystal Gems walk towards the kitchen to take a break

Steven: carrying a towel around his neck "I don't get it, I thought I almost had it."

Pearl: sits besides the kitchen counter "Nobody expects you to be able to perform fusion right away, Steven"

Dragonstone: stood beside garnet "Fusion isn't just dancing after all. You need to be able to emotionally trust the other as well."

Amethyst: hops and sits on top of the counter "Yeah! It's really hard, even for us."

Garnet: leans against the cabinets "Not for me."

Dragonstone: nods "I an second that, Garnet , you just need to have a strong bond and it will be like fluid."

Pearl: "We'll keep working on the dance for now, and who knows, in a few years..." pauses and ponders "I wonder though if Steven's body is capable of fusion. Fusion merges the physical forms of gems, but Steven is half-human. He's organic."

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