Fusion War

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Dragonstone Pov

The gems and I as well as Steven warped from the temple and ended up at the communication hub as Steven looked on in awe with wide sparkling eyes as he spoke with admiration

Steve: "Whoa! What magical place of mysteries is this?"

Amethyst: "Well..."

Pearl: cuts off amethyst "Oh, I'm so glad you asked. This was once a communication hub for gem kind. But lately, it's begun transmitting bursts of electromagnetic interference." She moved around the area as they walked

Steven: "What's that mean?" Looks at Dragonstone

Dragonstone: "It hurts television." I stood beside Steven,

Steven: "No!" Turns to a pillar "I'll save you, television!" Kicks pillar "Hyah!" Grunts while trying to push it

Amethyst: "Sorry, but we need a Steven at least..." she shapeshifts and deepens her voice "This strong for this job."

Steven: gasps and his eyes turn to stars "It's all the me I could be!" Amethyst put his down and starts punching the pillar while grunting as she chips off a piece which Pearl caught

Pearl: "Amethyst." The purple gem turned back to normal "we could be here all day taking out each of these pillars individually."

Amethyst: groans and spoke in her normal voice "Ugh, I hate when you're right. You get this look on your face." Looks at pearls smug smile "Yeah, that's the one."

Pearl: "What we need is a well-thought-out plan." Her gem was about to put up a hologram

Garnet: cuts her off "No. what we need is Sugilite. Amethyst, fuse with me."

Amethyst and Pearl: "What?!" Amethyst squeals and laughs before running up to Garnet

Amethyst: hopping while holding garnets hand "Yeah! Let's mash it up! Bigger! Badder! Better!" Laughs maniacally

Steven: "Hold your horses! Are you guys going to become a gem fusion?" Excitedly

Amethyst: "Ahh!" They both Started screaming while Dragonstone stood beside Pearl with his face being expressionless and pearls being shocked and a little hurt

Pearl: "Wait!"

Dragonstone: "Pearl."

Pearl: "Just wait." Sighs "Garnet, think about this. You and Amethyst can be a little..." chuckles "Unstable when your personalities combine. We need to be careful. Fuse with me instead." Garnet place a hand on her shoulder

Garnet: "We don't need to be careful. We just need to be huge." She walked off

Amethyst: "Oh, yeah! Let's wreck this joint!" Follows as Pearl looks away and Steven watches while Dragonstone keeps an eye on him

Garnet: "Synchronise." Her gems lit up as she started to move. Pearl blocked Steven eyes but Steven moved her fingers away to see as Arnet and amethyst continued their dance before they collided with one another and fused together into a giant purple gem named Sugilite

Sugilite: laughs "I forgot how great it feels to be me." Cracks knuckles

Steven: "That's Sugilite?"

Dragonstone: "Sadly it is." I looked up at the fusion

Sugilite: "Aww, what's wrong, Dragonstone? You still don't like little old me, sweet pea?" Laughs while Dragonstone just crossed his arms. Sugilite crouched down to Steven "Hey, Steven, want to see something cool?"

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