Steven on a Mission

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(Just a little notice!!! I won't have a chapter for every episode since some episodes are focused solely around steven and have little screen time of the gems)

Dragonstone Pov

After Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and I returned from our mission to retrieve the moon goddess statue, amethyst brought a large egg with her and tried placing it in the fridge as Steven entered seeing the four covered in feathers

Steven: "Huh?" His face was contorted with confusion

Garnet: "Hello, Steven." She said while standing beside Dragonstone watching Pearl scold Amethyst

Pearl: "Amethyst, we do not need that. It's not going to fit in the fridge." Amethyst wasnt paying attention nor listening to Pearl

Amethyst: "What? I got this." She gently pulled the tray out of the fridge before dropping it "Hup!" She exclaimed as she lifted the egg into the fridge " fits!" She slammed the fridge door closed as a cracking sound is heard "Ha! Oh, man, we could make a big omelet or a quiche or big sunny-side-ups!" She rambled on as Pearl looked to seven

Pearl: "We fought a giant bird." She looked to the object in her hand "We're only here for a second. We've got to go back out." She said to Steven as he reacted in an upset manner

Steven: "What? Why?"

Pearl: "We have to place this Moon goddess statue on the top of the lunar sea spire before midnight. Without it, the whole place will fall apart! Oh, Steven. You should have seen the spire in its heyday." Her gem projected a image of the spire "It was an oasis for gems on Earth." The projection disappeared and her attitude changed abruptly "It's abandoned now, but we can still save it with this statue."

Steven: "Wha...that's perfect!" His eyes twinkled

Dragonstone: "What's under your arm there, Steven?" I said while standing beside Pearl with the others

Steven: "It's something that let me help!" He put the box down and opened it before pulling out a backpack in the shape of a cheeseburger while making cool sounds

Pearl: "A...Hamburger?" She said confusedly

Steven: "It's a novelty backpack shaped like a cheeseburger! Aw, I blew it. I was just gonna wear it one day, and you guys would be like." He slung the back over his shoulder before speaking " 'Dang, Steven, that's so cool!' But this is obviously important gem business."

Dragonstone: "Correct, which means you should let us deal with it." I crossed my arms giving him a stern look

Steven: "What? I'm a gem!" He pulled up his shirt and pointed at his gemstone

Dragonstone: "A very inexperienced gem. You still have a lot to learn." I said sternly before Amethyst pushed against me

Amethyst: "So let him come. It will be like a training exercise and...uh...educational!" She looked at Dragonstone and Pearl

Dragonstone: I let out a heavy sigh "Pearl?"

Pearl: "Hmm. All right. You can carry it in your hamburger." She handed the statue to Steven who looked at it with his eyes shining before he put it in his backpack

Steven: "Check this out! Everything's a pocket! Even the cheese is a pocket! I can fit a lot more stuff in here. Give me a minute. I'll pack extra supplies." He ran off grabbing different items and stuffed them into his bag as the gems waited on the warp pad and Pearl called impatiently

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