Cluster trouble

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Dragonstone Pov

The gems and I were finishing up with the drill before we would use it to drill to the cluster but the ground began to shake violently before I felt a splitting pain and my gem began to glow

Dragonstone: "Ah!" I held my head "What's that noise?!"

Peridot: "The ground shook! This could mean the emergence of the Cluster!" She began to show a board of the stages

Lapis: she was kneeling by Dragonstone "Is this really the time?! Somethings wrong with Dragonstone!"

Amethyst: "Yo, DT, you good?" Dragonstone held his head and growled

Dragonstone: "It's so loud...there's so many of them!"

Garnet: "So many of who? What are you hearing?" Dragonstone looked at her with his gem glowing brightly as his eyes remained closed

Dragonstone: "It's the's like it's screaming directly at me." I feel the ground shake again and the splitting pain once more

Lapis: "How can he hear it?" She looks around

Peridot: "Simple. The Dragonstone and the Cluster are both made by similar means, it's just Dragonstone is not millions of gem shards forced together and instead he's a singular gem with a tremendous power source. Basically a cluster if it was a singular gem."

Pearl: "She's right. They can communicate to each other on some level and the Cluster seems to know that." She says worriedly

Steven: "So Dragonstone is like the Clusters big brother?"

Dragonstone: "Stop shouting, I don't know how to help you!" The pain continued and it was like millions of wails echoing through my head filling my mind with pain before the ground shook again

Garnet: "We need to go now! Lapis, stay with him." They ran to the drill but when they turned Stevens peridot had already jumped into the drill as the ground began to crack open "Steven!"

Dragonstone: "'s too dangerous, we need to run!" I tried to get up but another surge hit me chasing me to collapse to me knees

Lapis: "Don't move. The gems will get him." She held Dragonstone who was filled with panic and worry

Garnet: "There won't be enough room for us all, Steven, save the world! And remember...we love you." The drill powered on and they dug into the ground before disappearing into the earth

Pearl: "You let them go alone?!" She shook Garnet who stared expressionlessly

Amethyst: "Dragonstone!" She saw his form morphing in an attempt to keep him stable, the Cluster was having some kind of influence on him

Dragonstone: 'My mind is filled with so many emotions and thoughts...' I closed my eyes before opening them to see a giant mass of shards

Cluster: "Help! Friend? Save? Save! Help?" Dragonstone held his head before the cluster went silent until it let out an agonising shriek that caused Dragonstone to scream out as energy surged off his boy

Dragonstone: "Stop!" I opened my eyes to see the gems around me

Garnet: "We need you to try and calm down, Dragonstone." Dragonstone's body began to transform into his dragon form

Dragontone: "They're so loud!" I began to dig into the ground

Pearl: "I think it's calling to him!" Garnet used her gauntlets and grabbed Dragonstone's tail

Garnet: "We need to keep him from getting down there! Who knows what will happen if he gets to the Cluster." She pulls

Amethyst: "Oh no you don't!" She shapeshifted into a purple version of Dragonstone and tried to pin him down

Pearl: "If he can here it then it's most likely calling for him!" Lapis used water to constrict Dragonstone before he roared loudly before the hd continued to shake even more

Dragonstone: "Stop hurting them! Just tell me what's wrong?!"

Cluster: it screamed into Dragonstone's head "Stop Form! Help us! Help whole! Be whole! Help! Mustn't form!" Dragonstone's eyes turned bright white before he roared and caused the gems to move off of him

Dragonstone: "they need me!" I moved over to the hole where Steven and peridot entered "Just a little bit of energy...I'll help you..." Lapis died to fly toward me but my tail instinctually swatted her away into the barn

Pearl: "Dragonstone, no! Steven and Peridot are still down there!" A red glow built up in Dragonstone's throat before he released a stream of red energy into the hole As Pearl took her spear and ran to attack Dragonstone

Garnet: "Wait!" She grabbed pearls shoulder "He's giving them energy..." Dragonstone's gem gave off a light before his transformation reverted and left on the ground

Amethyst: "Dragonstone!" She ran over to him and helped him to sit up "Are you okay?! You look all drained again!"

Dragonstone: I stopped hearing the noise in my head and the shaking ceased "It worked...all of them." I smiled

Garnet: "Lapis!" She yelled from behind as Dragonstone turned to see the gem get out of the wooden rubble as Dragonstone forced himself up and stumbled toward Lapis as he dropped to his knees in front of her

Dragonstone: I looked up "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking properly."

Lapis: she laughs weakly "It's okay." She got on her knees and hugged him "I'm just glad you didn't end up going down there...what was going on anyways?" She looked into his eyes

Dragonstone: "The Cluster spoke to me telepathically, it needed power in order to seal itself away..." I heard a noise and looked back to see the drill come up from the hole

Steven: "Guys!" He jumped out and ran over to Dragonstone "You helped us!" He jumped onto the weakened gem and laughed

Pearl: "Is the cluster destroyed?!"she ran over with Garnet and Amethyst

Steven: "Nope, I talked to it. It didn't want to destroy the earth, it just wanted company. And it got it now, it's like a bijillion people! They'll have a lot of time to get to know each other, now that they're in a bubble" he smiles

Dragonstone: "I'm so glad..." I sigh and get Steven off me

Pearl: "How on earth did you bubble that whole thing?!"steven chuckles and looks at Dragonstone

Steven: "We had a little help."

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