Cold Scaly Shoulder

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3rd Pov

We see the beach house while Pearl and Amethyst were inside, Steven had left with Garnet and Greg to a motel. We see lapis enter the beach house as they looked at her with a subtle glare

Pearl: "Hello, Lapis." She cleared her throat "Uh, is Dragonstone coming behind you?"

Lapis: "" She looks away awkwardly "Are he and Garnet around?"

Amethyst: "Nah, Garnet went with Greg and Steven. And Dragonstone isn't with you? He seems to LOVE being around you lately." Rolls her eyes

Lapis: she frowns slightly "What's that supposed to mean?"

Amethyst: she frowns "Didn't you it clear that the only reason you helped us was to save him? And that's obviously the only reason you stick around." He crossed her arms

Pearl: "Amethyst, I hardly think this is the time to talk about this..." she looks down

Lapis: "Wait...are you blaming me?" She clenched her fist "How about you look at yourselves? I'm not the one who tricked my friends into fusing just to feel better about myself."

Amethyst: her face softened "I didn't mean it like that..."

Lapis: "Oh? You didn't mean to blurt out that you've only seen him as a use for power? You didn't mean to tell both of them that you only fuse with them to feel strong?" She frowned

Pearl: "Okay, that's enough! Let's not cause more problems than there already are." Lapis shook her head

Lapis: "You two are the only ones here with problems. You make it seem like you're the only ones who have any emotions and that you're the only ones who can get hurt, but you're not."

Amethyst: she frowns "Then why don't you just take Dragonstone and leave! You don't know him like we do, so why do you think you can just walk around here and act like you know anything about any of us!" She clenched her fists

Pearl: "Both of you stop!" Stands between them "You two are arguing over nothing!"

Lapis: "No, she's arguing! I didn't do a single thing but you both seem to have a problem with me!"

Amethyst: "Because you're not one of us!" They were silent before the temple gateway opened as a furious Dragonstone stood there

Dragonstone Pov

Pearl: "Oh! Dragonstone! How much of that did you hear?" She chuckles nervously while Amethyst and lapis turn away from one another

Dragonstone: "Everything." I approached them "Lapis, wait outside. These two and I are going to talk this out." I picked Amethyst and Pearl up before placing them on the sofa

Lapis: she looks down "Try not to be too hard on them, I'm they just feel bad." She turns and went outside

Amethyst: scoffs "What? Not giving us the silent treatment anymore?" She looks down with her arms crossed

Pearl: she smiles "Thank you, for talking to us again, we're really so-..." Dragonstone raised his hand making her stop

Dragonstone: "I'm talking to you because I think you two are being unnecessary." I crossed my arms "Lapis doesn't need to be chided due to the attention I give her."

Pearl: "But, I just feel it's unfair that-..." gets cut off again

Dragonstone: "No, Pearl. You don't get to have an opinion. You of all gems should understand the importance of fusion to Garnet and all of us in general." I sighed before looking to Amethyst "And you. The fact that you see fusion as a means to make yourself feel stronger is immature and uncomfortable."

Amethyst: rolls her eyes "And? You and Pearl fused that one time to beat me and Garnet, I bet you just didn't want to feel weak and decided you'd team up with Pearl to break us apart."

Dragonstone: I frown angrily at her words "You don't know what you're saying. Pearl and I fused that time to even the playing field when you and Garnet went out of control."

Pearl: "That is true, but it did hurt when I see you both form, Dragonsbreath..." she looks down "You make us feel like we're replaceable when you fuse with other gems, especially Garnet. She tears up "You are both already strong and Goldstone is ten times that, it's like we will never be enough..." she wipes her tears

Amethyst: she looks away "Yeah...if you really care so much then why can you do easily fuse and be nice with everyone you even care? About my feelings when I have to see you treat everyone else the same way..." Dragonstone pulled them into a hug as they gasped

Dragonstone: "You two, you really are idiots." I squeezed them tighter "I could never not care about how you feel, I've known you my whole existence and you've been my sole purpose for joining the gems." I let go and move back "But you are all different, Amethyst is my closest and most trusted, I love that you're fearless and sometimes immature. And Pearl, you are the gem I'd never lose my faith in, but I like the fact that you have flaws even though you try to be perfect."

Pearl: she sobs "Oh, Dragonstone!" She tackles him in a hug on the ground "I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you or Garnet! Please forgive me!" She sobs loudly

Amethyst: "Stop crying! Cause if you cry, then I'm gonna..." she tears up before jumping onto Dragonstone and Pearl "Fine! I'm sorry okay! I hated not talking to you!" She holds him tightly

Dragonstone: I sighed softly "It's okay...all I needed you to know is that you were wrong...but it's all over now, I forgive you two." I put my hand on their heads as I chuckle as well before looking up to see lapis smiling down at me

Lapis: "You seem really good with gems." She chuckles softly "I do have a question though, for all of you..." they all looked at her confusedly

Short Timeskip
Beach house

The three gems sat on the sofa while Lapis stood in front of them as she seemed slightly nervous.

Lapis: "Okay, since our little situation is over...I wanted to ask about fusion." They perked up

Amethyst: "What's more to know about it? It's when two gems merge together and become a super strong fusion."

Pearl: her eyes sparkled "Oh, Lapis, I'd love to talk to you about fusion! What do you want to know?!"

Dragonstone: "What's made you curious on Fusion?"

Lapis: thinks back to when Drgonstone and Garnet fused "No reason...I just think it's interesting..." looks away

Pearl: "Well, firstly, it's when two gems have trust in one another and a deep bond, oh! You will need to learn how to dance with your partner as well!" She smiles widely

Lapis: "Wait...dancing?"

Dragonstone: chuckles softly "You have no idea what you've gotten into with Pearl."

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