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I yawn and open my eyes. My vision blurs slightly but I see a figure sitting in my desk chair. I rub my eyes and turn to see Harvey.

He was fast asleep his brown hair all ruffled up laying on the side of my chair.

He stayed the night. For me.

Automatically flashbacks flood my brain and I grip onto the sheets.

I might be overreacting, but I hate this feeling. I hate feeling like I have been used.

I take a deep breath and tiptoe to the bathroom. I was still in my dress and god do I wanna get out of it.

I feel rude having a shower while he is here, but I hate thinking that the man has touched my body I need to get it off.

I turn the shower on and slip of my dress stepping under the hot steaming water. I lather up in my favourite vanilla body wash and begin scrubbing my skin.

Was I was done I wrap myself in my cozy towel and chuck on a baggy t shirt and shorts.

I walk out of my room brushing through my hair. Harvey opens his eyes slightly his dark long eyelashes covering his bright blue eyes.

"Good morning." A grin spreads across his face.

"Thank you so much Harvey. You did not need to stay the night." I blurt out.

"Maddie. Of course I was gonna freaking stay the night. I needed to make sure you were okay."

"Really?" He cared about me?

"Yes really." He comes walking over and sits on the bed with me. "Mads I know we bicker and fight but I want you to know I do care about you."

Is he joking? He must mean as friends.

I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach, and I could tell my face was bright pink.

"Thank you." I manage to cough out.

"Mhm." He nods and gets up checking his phone. He immediately starts texting someone. "Shit." He mutters.

"Everything okay?" I could tell he is stressing.

"Yep I am fine. But I gotta go alright? Talk to you later?" He opens the door slightly.

"Of course." I follow him down the stairs.

"But Mads, call me if anything happens okay. I promise I am there for you." he opens the front door.

"I will." I can't help but let a huge smile spread across my face. He returns the smile slightly and rushes out the door.

I really hope it is nothing about his dad.

I still don't know if he knows I know. Cause he was very drunk and I am kinda scared to bring it up.

Someone grabs onto my shoulder and immediate shivers run down my spine.

I need to stop stressing. I am never going to see him again.

I turn around to see Jackson.

"Hey. Why aren't you at college?" I pull him into a slight hug.

"Oh I got a few days cause basketball is off right now." He turns to his bedroom door and is girlfriend Emma comes out.

I freaking love Emma.

"Emma!" I squeal wrapping my arms around her.

She stumbles back a bit. "Hey Mads I missed you so fucking much!"

Mia is beautiful. Dirty blonde hair with highlights. Dark brown eyes and she has the best sense of humor.

Jackson wraps an arm around her towering over her. She isn't even short, Jackson is just like a giant.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now