Chapter 1- Miss You

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As-salamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates ( Just like in class we have classmates ) . Well honestly i don't know what to say . Its my first book and i don't know how many of you would like it and how many would hate it yet guys plz read it . hope that like other gud wattpad stories it may also tug to your heart strings . So read and give this story a little bit space in your heart . No matters if the space is 1 cm . Read and Enjoy .

And yes i would like to dedicate this book to my friend and supporter scopian_16 .


The more and more i wanted to avoid this day the more and more i had to face it . 23rd of June, a date which i can never forget in my entire life . A date which took my most precious things away from me . I could not sleep the whole night as i was again and again reminded of the images of that day . soon it was time for Fajr ( Morning prayers ) . I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom . I immediately took a bath and wore my black long dress with black leggings and white hijab . Although no one in my family was a hijabi yet i liked wearing it, as here, in Sharjah, people usually wore it . After i prayed Fajr i started reading Quran .

As soon as i finished reading it i decided to go down, to have my breakfast and then look to the preparations of the death anniversary of my parents . yes you all heard it right. 5 years back my ammi abbu died on the same day that is 23rd of June in a car accident . And that's the only reason why i hate this day so much . I always tried to forget that day that particular event but could never fully succeed in doing so . Although its pain has became less, although injuries had healed with time but the marks the will always be there.


I was sitting in my bed, working on the latest case when ammi entered the room and handed me her phone . My nani mah ( grandmother) was calling.

"As-salamu alaikum nani mah" I greeted her softly . Instead of replying to my salaam nani mah started cursing my job .

"what kind of job is this Aanisa that even does not allows you to travel forget about traveling which even does not allows you to meet your family members ." Well all this was because, although i was in India yet due to some very very important work i could not go to meet her just like last time.

"Nani mah who told you that my job does not allows me to met my family members" I tried to defend myself as well as my job .

"Aanisa darling do you still think that it needs to be explained ." she snapped at me .

"Oho, nani mah, calm down, i will come next time for sure ." i tried to calm here down, to which she huffed . "Okay i promise i will come next time ." i said once again knowing that she was not convinced .

"Last time also you gave the same excuse ." she said in a kind of defeated voice .

soon i was able to convince her and then ammi abbu left . As they left i again started working . After some what 3 hours my phone rang . I picked up the phone without looking at the caller id as i knew it would be ammi calling to tell that they reached safely . But to my surprise it was my cousin Zahir , he told me that my ammi abbu met with an accident and now they were in the ICU . I booked the latest plane ticket and went to Bhopal . As my plane landed and i left the ariport my nani mah called me .

"As-salamu alaikum nani mah, how are ammi abbu now ?" i asked her restlessly . nani mah replied to my salaam and started crying which made me more tensed .

"Nani mah why are you crying, ammi abbu will be alright even i am also coming ." i said to her while trying to control the tears in my eyes .

"No they will not be alright ." nani mah said still crying .

"what do you mean nani ?" i asked frustratedly .

"N-N-Ni-Nisa, y-your ammi y-your ammi a-abbu are n-no more ." she said in between sobs .

*******FLASHBACK ENDS******

I was looking to the preparations when somebody rang the door bell, i went to open the door . It was badi ammi and bade abbu . well after my parents died i started living with my father's bid brother and his his wife whom i call badi ammi and bade abbu . They both loved me a lot even more than there own children and as they didn't have any daughter they are quite happy to have me as there daughter . they never differentiated between me and there own sons .

"As-salamu alaikum both of you . How was your walk ?" i asked them as they both entered the house .

"Pretty good as usual ." replied badi ammi .

"Is they work done ?" asked bade abbu .

"Yeap, almost all dishes are prepared ." I replied .

" Nisa sweetie why are Yasir and Zafar not helping you ?" Badi ammi questioned while examining the area .

"Badi ammi they both were here only I just sent Yasir bahi to bring somethings from the market whereas Zafar went to his room to get his phone ." I was explaining badi ammi when Zafar shouted from behind .

"And here I am back ." Zafar said while coming down the stairs .

And even I am back ." As soon as zafar reached us Yasir bahi also entered the picture.

well they both are not much different from each other . Both are very naughty and jolly kind of person . while Yasir bahi sometimes act a bit more mature, Zafar gets provoked very easily. Yet they both are my lifeline and I am there's . They treat me as a queen as I am there only sister .

Luckily the preparation were over before the guest started arriving . Soon everyone came . All our friends and family members . Everyone came despite him . I knew he would not come, he actually never came . But the rest who came they had some food than talked a bit and finally left . At last only the family members and my assistant who is also my best friend, Rubena was there, rest all left . My family members decide to stay which was a very general things as each of my family member lived in different parts of the world . Well i know it sounds a bit awkward but in real it isn't . well you can even take an example of him and me . I live here in Sharjah , UAE whereas he lived miles away from me in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia . Ya allah plz send him here....


So here ends a boring chapter .

sorry guys but you know here in starting chapters we have to introduce its quite tough to makes those introduction chapters interesting and add to that i am a new author so nervousness is also there .

But i promise the next chapter would be better than this

After all the lead would enter in the next chapter .

By the way pics of Aanisa's dress are there on the site it is like the dress kriti sanon is wearing .



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