Chapter 36 - Real and Illusion

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As-salamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates . Back with another chapter . Hope you enjoy =D =D

"But then love indeed is like jumping off a building knowing very well that you are gonna die ."


I didn't know what to do I was kind of like paralyzed . I couldn't move , I couldn't do anything . All I knew was that my hands were pressed against his chest as his lips were on mine sucking on my lower lip , that was already plump due to my previous continuous biting . Even though he pulled me over in quite a rough manner the kiss was nothing like that . It wasn't rough or fierce , not at all . It was rather soft and sweet , full of adoration . All hairs on my body were standing straight up as continues shiver ran down my spine . It was like butterflies were jumping in my stomach as he kissed me for the first time . While I stood there like a statue until Azaan pulled back pulling my lower lip along and realising it with a little pop sound . He placed his head against mine as I opened my eyes and found him already staring back at me . His cool breath fanning my face . All my nerves are a wrecking mess right now .

"Stop it !! Until you really want me to repeat what I just did ." Azaan said , detaching my lower lip from between my teeth with his thumb , making me realized that I was biting it out of nervousness . At this I realized that everything happening was real . Thus , gasping I immediately pulled away almost tripping over my own feet but somehow I maintained my balance . Then out of pure shyness I at once covered my face with my jacket as I made a walk chase for the door , hitting a lot of things in my way . Then opening it I walked over to the other room and banged the door shut leaning against it and removed the jacket from my face letting out the breath I had been holding in . But it wasn't just a breath but rather number of heavy breaths . Placing my hand over my heart I felt how hard it was beating as if it was going to burst . I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips rewinding everything that just happened .

"eehh !!" I shrieked happily messing my hairs and jumping around like idiots. I did everything starting from doing weird off beat Hip Hop steps that I had no idea about , to doing my specialty , my belly dancing , to dancing with the pillow , to doing doing 360° around flying kick , to doing moon walk , to jumping on bed , to removing my jacket and spinning it above my head and then throwing it off , to doing that step of climbing imaginary stairs , to galping around thinking I was a contemporary dancer, to swinging my hips uselessly around , to doing weird free style funk dance to what not . All along chanting and singing 'He kissed me !! He kissed me !!' as if it was some song.

Minutes after regaining my composure I removed my hijab , which was actually already hanging in my neck like a muffler after the war me and Azaan had . Then walking to the washroom I open the tap and splashed some water and washed my face removing the mascara and stuff I had on my face . Grabbing the towel hanging by I patted my face dry and looked at my reflection in the mirror . My lips were still red , at first I thought that maybe the lipstick didn't washed off but later I realized that they were red due to the kiss . Therefore I once again placed my head on the sink as a little giggle made its way out .

After some more smiling and giggling I at last started feeling sleepy . I went over to the bed and silently laid on it. Wrapping the blanket securely around me I closed my eyes with a smile . But then out of the blue there was a sound of shuffling stuff . My smile was gone in a second as my eyes snapped open . I at once got up at and looked around but found nothing , maybe it's Azaan doing something outside . But he probably went to sleep . What if it's a ghost ?? Afraid , I waited for sometime for the sound to reappear . But when it didn't I reluctantly laid back on my bed suddenly the room started appearing to be darker to me . God I am scared !! Was all I could think as fear kept getting over me . I felt as if there was someone behind me but I was so scared that I couldn't even turn over to check . Being positive about the fact that I might even die if I stayed here any longer . I got up ran out of the room straight into the room Azaan was in . Opening the door I went in and found him sleeping . Taking baby steps towards him I crouched infront of him as he laid there on his stomach his hands beneath his head that was turned towards my side . Even though he looked pretty peaceful the way he was but I still needed him to wake up . Thus I poked him little on his bicep as he immediately woke up .

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