Finding Me

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As-salaam alaikum guys . Hope you all are going good . Oohhhkkkkk so I know I've kinda ......... disappeared for the past for days , almost more then half of the month . And u guys have been looking for me , messaging me , nd etc etc to find me . But I haven't replied to any . I truly apologize for that . Now , before you guys smack this apology back on my head lemme explain the situation . So what happened is that in the end of last month my result came out and with all ur prays with me , I luckily scored good Allhumdulliah . As a result I turned to become a science student . My school reopened nd the first thing we were told wasn't "welcome" or "congratulations" or "meet ur new teachers" but it rather "you guys may have ur exam in the end of this month or start of june" perhaps u guys can feel the pleasure me nd my batch mates went through (note the sarcasm plz) nonetheless coming back to point so I have been kinda real busy nd now our exams have started . We had our first exam on 25th that was yesterday . And today is maths exam . So I'm like somewhere buried under huge books that r so heavy that I can't even carry them all . =/=/ =/ as a result to which I couldn't update . I hope u will understand nd bear with me . Nd after the exams get over there gonna summer break hence tons of updates r coming up for like in 2-3 weeks after . Ok maybe not tons but sufficient to compensate ;-)

So meet u guys soon . Pray that my exams may go well . Plz I really need those prayers inorder to through these exams .



Keep praying =)

Sultana .

P.S. Ramzan Mubarak to all in advance (since I might not be here on the day) nd ignore the mistakes above , it was written in rush =P .

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