Life happened

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Hi guys as salamu alakium to all of you hope you all are doing great unlike me . So ..... I have been gone for quite a long time now and I know you guys have been really missing me . And trust me I missed you guys too . But still I couldn't come online and update or rather reply to messages or even check the notifications or read or do anything at all . Well where shall I start now .... A lot is going on . Firstly I am a science student and studies are like pretty killer and troublesome . Right after my last update my school reopened and the best part of my school which you guys till now know pretty well , started . Yes !! Exactly right guess my exams started . Well now you guys would be like that is very common my exams happen all the times but I still am back after some time then why not this time . So here's the thing a few weeks after my school reopened every evening my left leg use to pain a lot maybe because of the entire day parade or something , but it use to pain a lot especially my knee it kind of use to get blocked . Although it use to be only at the time of evening and after resting the night in morning I use to be alright and then the routine use to be repeated in the evening again . It wasn't really that a problem since it use to get alright at the end I thought it was just because of the tiredness . But then one morning when I woke up for my morning prayer it hurt so much the I couldn't even walk a step and yet I decided to go ahead with the prayer and that was it . I literally broke into tears the moment I stood up after the prayer . And then after that it just got worst I visited various doctors had different test and medicines and was completely bedridden . Couldn't go to school for weeks . And then to add to the tension my father wasn't . well . He had sever fever , cold and cough and hence at last we decided to take him to the specialized hospital . My mom went along and instead she too got some infection from there and her condition turned so bad that the moment she use to cough her breath was caught right in her throat and she couldn't breathe it was even worst then asthma attacks . Hence she was admitted to the hospital and there was a point where my ammi thought that she was going to die and somewhere even the entire family believed it . It was like so bad even when the cough was gone which itself took several minutes she still couldn't catch her breath for a minutes or more , and I still remember my ammi sitting on that hospital coughing while my phupho and mumani rubbed her back as she couldn't regain her breath even though the cough was gone , with her filled with tears . And trust me guys nothing in my entire life , like literally nothing was as scary as that . Yet being that child of the family that carries the most expectations and is expected to do the best you can't even cry knowing that there is already enough problem and you aren't suppose to add up to it . Nevertheless after quite many tension filled weeks and heartbreaking moments allhumduillah everyone is well now .

But still there aren't any updates because ...... well *sheepish grin* it has another story behind it . So for those who don't know I am a quite late born child , my father is already 60+ and at this time where I probably should have been nearing my thirties I am not even legally eligible to vote XD XD ... so there is like a really big generation gap between me and my parents and even though they are cool like 90% of times yet sometimes they are like ...... really there age . Long story short my cousin just to pull my leg , in between there jokes told my cousins told my ammi about me writing online . Though she doesn't know that what I write but she has this broad idea or maybe a guess she made that I write books . And she really doesn't likes it . And more over my parents don't really like the idea of my having a phone in my hand and being engrossed in it . So its like I already have a really tight schedule but yet at night the moment I would be free and touches the phone I am bombarded with scolding . And since I am really scared of my ammi's anger I literally throw the cell away the moment she starts . And to add to the mess I am a huge fan of k-dramas , Turkish dramas , c-dramas , t-dramas (Taiwanese I mean) and some Thai stuff too . And I am like watching those too whenever I am free at least a single episode . And recently my abbu hasn't got my cell as well as dongle any net connection . Hence its just his phone with a net that actually is super fast . But getting that phone from him is like snatching a prey from the lion's mouth ...... its pretty tough . And even if I get the cell my abbu has super confident that I am playing blue wale =/ like seriously that is like highest of kush bhi !! So its just a huge mess at my home adding to which there is a family marriage coming up . Brother getting married to mamu's daughter . Hence tons of work is to be done and we are busy doing it . Starting from finalizing thing to preparing stuff to buying things .

So I hope you guys understand and forgive me *puppy face* you guys know na I love you people *butering* =) =)

P.S. - It was ojesvi's birthday some days back and I promised her a update with uhem uhem something special in it which I couldn't post so I am really sorry for that LALA . But still I wish you lots of joy , peace stranegth to withstand the wrong and difficulties of your life . And may God always be beside my lala nd help her differentiate between right and wrong and then always choose the right thing . May all your dreams come true . May there be success in your life . Ameem . And also FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IF SOMEONE IS TALKING LESS THAT DOESN'T MEANS HE OR SHE IS ANGRY . It could rather mean your talks are tooooo sweet and the person just wanna enjoy it , idiot !! So please lala give little pressure to your little brain its not like I am ever gonna stop chewing your brains . LOVE YOU LALA !!!!!!! xoxo .

And yeah never got the time before , but just asking at the moment , since the topic was brought up . Is there anyone out here who watches k-drama , c-drama , turkish drama , t-drama (Taiwanese) or thai maybe or anything else . Any good stuff ??? *wiggling the brows with a huge goofy grin* do reply through comments =)

Anyway I will try to update soon guys . Till then stay tuned ...

May god bless you all

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Sultana .

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