Chapter 29 - Hidden Talents

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As-salamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates . Back with another chapter . Hope you enjoy =D

And yes after a long time here's another dedication to my dear@aroushakhan786 . Thanks a lot dear for all those cute comment , really love you a lot =D

Song - Closer by Chainsmokers .


Finally giving in to Aanisa's stubbornness I decided to go out since I too was hungry . Till time it was dark outside . I untied our wrists and wrapped the scarf back around her head . I seated her on the sofa and said ,"stay here !! I will change and come ." After that I went to my room . Luckily , while coming back today I bought few clothes for myself . I thought of taking Aanisa for shopping too , but then seeing the condition she is in right now , I decided against it . I changed into black van heusen pants and black van heusen shirt . Tugging the shirt in the pants I wrote my brown leather belt and headed towards my shoes . At last rolling my sleeves up I went back out and found Aanisa lying on the couch , her hand hanging down moving back and forth . "Come on , let's go ." I announced and she rolled over the couch to look at me . But since the couch was small , as soon as she turned she reached the edge , lost balance and fell down .

"Shit !! Nisa !!" I rushed to her and made her sit while she just giggled . "Why are you so clumsy ??" I said , helping her stand up . I encircled my arm around her waist while she put her's around my neck . Thank god Zubair had lend me the keys of his rover . I unlocked the car and opened the front door for Aanisa . Then getting to my seat I started the car and drove off to the road .

"Where do you wanna go ??" I asked .

"Anywhere you wanna take me ." She whispered leaning in , with a mischievous smile on her face . Oh god !! She really is getting weird .

"No I meant , what do you wanna eat ??" I clarified to which she rolled her eyes huffing along .

"Your so boring !!"she declared , smacking my head really hard . I kept growl in pain whereas she preferred turning on the music system (Song is tagged along) .I glared at her for a minute but then turned my attention back to the road .

"Hey !!" Aanisa yelled poking my my arm with her index finger and suddenly started singing along the song .

"I was doing just fine before I met you ." She sang glaring at me and poked my arm again and again just to prove her annoyance .

"I drink too much and that's an issue ...." she was busy singing when I took a U-turn and Aanisa almost fell into my lap , but she someone saved herself , by holding the seat and dash board . She steadied herself and showed me a thumbs up and kept singing ,".....But I'm okay !!" And that was enough to make me laugh like a maniac .

After Aanisa kept singing and I continued listening with a smile lingering on my face . Until Allah knows what happened to her . She sang ,"So baby pull me closer ...." and out of the blue , Aanisa grabbed my collar and pulled me towards her with so much strength that I lost the balance of the car . But before anything could happen I immediately hit the breaks . But I guess Aanisa wasn't done yet . And before I could react she was off from her seat and had already jumped into mine . Till time she was standing on her knees , between my legs leaning close to me . And just to protect her from falling I put my arms on her waist while she still was singing " the backseat of you rover ..." she sang and pointed towards the backseat by lightly jerking her head and eyebrows . " ...... That I know you can't afford ...." she shook her head smirking and then wrapping her arms around my neck she learned closer to my ear whispered ,"...... bite that tattoo on your shoulder ..." and she literally bit my ear lobe not shoulder though . But that was enough to throw me back to earth .

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