Chapter 7 - My Friend

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Once again As-salamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates . No i didn't died , i was a bit busy . Yes busy for last 5 days . You remember i told u about my khala coming here for a trip . yeah that one only . so i she's here all around from Riyadh . Anyways here is new chapter . Its not that good just a kind of filler chapter , so that you guys don't quite reading my book ;-) . So read and enjoy .

And yes i would like to dedicate this chapter to IRFANRasool for being the first one to add my book to his reading list :-) .


"zaroon ?" i said and at once ran to hug him , ignoring my injured foot .

"Whoa !!! That was a surprise ." he said hugging me back .

"what ?" i asked him while releasing him from my hug .

"I mean you hugging me like that ." He said with a smirk on his face .

"Oh shut up zaroon ! " i said playfully punching his upper arm . "Anyways you said you won't came then what happen all of a sudden ?"

"My sheikh sahab called me with so much love than how could i not come . " he said while putting his arms around my neck . By the way don't be scared when he calls me sheikh sahab , actually its a weird nickname given by him to me . Actually he doesn't likes to call me Nisa , a nickname given by Azaan . Wait i think i didn't told you about my nicknames' story . Actually when we were small Azaan could never pronounce my name properly . It does not matters how hard he tries but every time he would call for me , he would call me Nisa , eating the starting 2 A's.

"Shut this crap and come help me out ." i said in a bossy tone and walked to the kitchen meanwhile Zaroon followed me . Soon we both started placing the dishes on the table . With in 5 minutes everyone was in the dinning area ready to have dinner .

"Nisa , where is the salad ?" badi ammi asked making me realize that i didn't brought the salad to the table .

"I will just go and bring it."i said flashing a smile to her and went back to the kitchen to bring the salad . When i went to the kitchen Zaroon was about to eat the same salad when i stopped him .

"Come out . Have a seat . AND THEN EAT ." i yelled at him

"Ok Ma'am " he said and bowed to me to which i laughed . Zaroon continued telling me some of his funny experience and i kept on laughing when we ( me and zaroon ) came out of the kitchen and i found Azaan standing in the dinning area . He looked at me with the same coldness in his eyes , the one he had while fighting with me . The coldness of his eyes scared me so much that i just stopped laughing and stumbled . The plate in my hands would have fallen if Zaroon would have not held it .
Zaroon took the plate from my hands and putted his right hand around my shoulder .

"Oho ! Control Sheikh sahab ." he said but i didn't paid attention to it . As i was more busy in observing Azaan's expressions . He narrowed his eyes a bit when he saw Zaroon putting his arm around me but when he saw me staring him , he immediately looked in front and took in a deep breath then took a seat on the dinning table . This guy was weird . At one moment he fights with me , threatens me , and in the next , he gets jealous seeing me with some other guy . Wait !!! AZAAN GOT JEALOUS SEE ME WITH OTHER GUY . Oh God , that is so cute .

'But this doesn't mean you would not punish him for treating me like that .' my inner voice said and mark my words first time ever i agree with it .And i even have a solid plane to irritate Azaan or rather should i say to make him jealous .

This thought made me smirk . I started planing for it . But then Zafar who was sitting with me pinched me , bringing me back to the reality .

"Whats wrong why are you not eating ?" he asked .

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