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Hi guys .. assalaam alaikum =D how r u all ?? Hope u all are doing fab =) so guys I am posting this to inform that no updates now . Before you guys throw ur beautiful slippers at me nd destroy the pair , lemme explain ........ actually I am stuck in exams which r back to back with bundle of syllabus ........ I give my minor exams which started on 17 nd ended on 23 . In this time spane there were five working days nd we had exams on all of them back to back main subjects . Then we have holidays for 4 days please note JUST FOUR days nd now tomorrow we have exam again . These exams which starts tomorrow that is on 27 will go on till 4 ......our last paper is on 4 . There are 8 working day nd we have 5 exams ....... means its like one paper one break one paper nd again break nd so on . Nd guess what we gotta study the entire books like isn't that just great .... super great =/=/=/ . Nd then after this when on 4 these exams get over we again have exams on 16 which will go on till god knows when nd then again exams from I guess 17-18 of feb , which r far actually ....... Anyway so the conclusion of discussing my date sheets is that guys as u people can see I am complete ruined , destroyed , finished ........... nd in such aura  too tough to UPDATE though still in all this hustle nd bustle I will try to sneak out its post something ...... but if I don't I hope u guys will understand *puppy face*

So tomorrow is also exam its of maths .... nd am totally messed up ..... don't know what I am done learning nd what I still have to learn its kinda of all in the air .. so that's why plz plz plz ppllllllzzzzzzzzz pray for me as all these exams r gonna effect my finals =(=(=( so plz pray .....

Nd yes pray sa yaad aya ..... thanks a lot to u all that u guys prayed for my phupho =) Allhumdulliah her surgery was successful all thanks to the doctors , ur prayers nd of course allah =) =) nd now she is recovering nd in sha allah she soon will be back to normal so thanks guys thanks a lot *bone crashing hugs to all* u all r great , superb nd u people rock , love u all .

So u people prayed for phupho nd she is fine now plz pray for me too =) while am praying for u all here =) =) until next time ....


Remember me in ur prayers =)


Allah hafiz =)

Sultana .

Unpredictable Love Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя