Chapter 22 - Angel Or Devil

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As-salamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates . So ur crazy writer is back , with a new update =D . Before reading this one kindly note that the cast has been changed . So now its SANAM JUNG AS AANISA :-) those who know her , well and good while the rest could check her pic tagged along with chapter 11 , 13 & 21 . Hope u r okay with the new cast . Anyway read and enjoy .

And yes  dedicated to my awesome reader @ImaginingSoul =D thanks for showing the sweet care dear =D may Allah bless you =D


I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden I could not breath properly and felt a bit suffocated . I woke up and found my hijab twisted around my neck . I sat up and straightened it . Then I looked at the watch and it was time for Fajr . I stood up and went to the bathroom and to my surprise my husband was nowhere around in the room , which is a good thing by the way . I brushed my teeth took bath and along did my whudhu and then after wearing my cream harem and red top with full sleeves and cream hijab I finally came out and prayed Fajr . After that I started reading Quran .


After what happened yesterday I didn't went back to my room instead I slept in the guest room and then woke up early before anyone had seen me there . After that I got ready and along with abbu and Aadil went to mosque for Fajr . And trust me it really really felt awesome it just made me all peaceful . Then me and Aadil went for a walk and we have just reached home . Everyone is awake and busy in there work , ammi in kitchen tabassum and abbu in the living area watching murder mystery show . If I didn't told you , they both are huge fans of such show . It's like they both would sit together , watch the show , predict who would be the culprit and then jump and shout if there guess was right .

"As-salamu alaikum detectives ." I said aloud so that everyone could hear .

"Walekum assalaam bhai ." Came from tabassum without looking at me and I got it that here no one was gonna pay attention to me . So I thought of heading to my room . I had reached the mid of the stairs when abbu called from behind . "Azaan !! Tell Nisa to meet me I wanna talk to her about something important ." I nodded and went back to my room .

I slowly opened the door as the last time I came in she was sleeping . But to my surprise this time she wasn't sleeping . Instead she was sitting on the praying mat with her face towards kabha and Quran opened in front of her . She looked so innocent that way that I suddenly felt as if what I am doing with her isn't right . I mean breaking her heart like that , hurting her , hurting her feelings , putting her to test ......... Seeing this devil of mine praying and reading Quran so peaceful sent me in such a trance that I didn't realized that I was yet standing in the door . I finally walked inside and sat on the arm chair from where I could easily see her but I guess she was still unaware of my presence . I sat there quietly and kept looking at her . And those expressions on her face , they just made me get lost somewhere deep in my guilt . And first time ever I was forced to look at things from the other side of the table . To think that maybe she is really innocent , maybe whatever happened , happened for a reason that too a good one . Maybe she doesn't deserves the hate she's getting , maybe she deserves more .

And the biggest among all the thoughts that maybe just maybe Allah put us together because ......... she was the perfect one for me ....... maybe she was the complete half of my deen .......

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