Chapter 39 - His Luck

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As-salaamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates . Back with another chapter. Hope you enjoy .

P.S. Ramzan Mubarak people . =) Also , this isn't proof read .


After completing the late work I technically decided to run back home , since I was really tired . Turning on the engine I drove the car over to the highway as different thoughts started clouding my mind . I don't know what has happened with Nisa but her behaviour recently has been so wired . She was fine back in Fiji but then ever since the day we got back she literally boarded some other ship . That is strange . I mean I know she is crazy but she isn't psycho to be happy a moment and angry the next . She probably has some reason but what that reason is , is a huge enigma to me . To the extends I remember I definitely didn't do anything to annoy her . If anything I have only been sweet to her . And to be honest it is nicer this way . To go with the flow is really peaceful and satisfying since it has her involved in it . Yet it would be much much better if she rather than gritting her teeth would smile back at me or blush at my actions . Make shocked faces on my boldness . Remembering all those states of her made me smile .

I really need to figure out the reason of her behavior . I thought as I technically started rewinding everything that happened in the past few days trying to find out the reason of her anger . While doing so I suddenly discovered that she was fine when we left Zubair's house in fact she was sane the moment we reached the airport too but then before boarding she went really furious and wanted to snap me into two . And from the time of getting off the airport to the time we were going to board the plane the only person she talked to was Jane . The realization hit me hard as I parked the car a side and decided to call Jane hoping that she is the only person knowing what went wrong . I was about to call Jane when my phone started ringing with 'Yasir' flashing on the screen . "Hello !! As-samalu alaikum ." I received the call .

"Walekum assalaam , Azaan . How are you ??" Yasir asked .

"I am fine Allhumduillah . What about you ?? I heard that Khala isn't pretty well . What happened ??" I enquired , concerned about Khala .

"Nothing much . Her dust allergies were really at their peeks due to the weather . But she is fine now in fact everyone is fine , just missing our Nisa ." He answered reminding me of Nisa and making me smile as a reflex . "By the way , are you at home right now ??" He asked reminding me about going back home as I started the car again , driving away .

"No !! But I am on my way . Why ?? what happened ??"

"Nothing . It's just that I have been trying to call Nisa for past 20 minutes but she hasn't been picking up her cellphone . So I thought about calling you ." Yasir's words made me frown , not picking up but why . I wondered taking the few last turns before reaching home .

"Well I don't know . She probably might be busy with some work . You know your sister right , she can't sit free ." I replied making him chuckle . After that I told him that I will have her call him once I get home as the topic of our chat changed from Nisa to business and statistics . Few minutes after disconnecting the call I reached back home .

Turning the engine off I took out the keys along with my phone and got out of the car and went into the house . Saying my salaam to ammi who I meet in the living room I went to the kitchen thinking that Nisa might be there since she wasn't attending the calls . But to my surprise she wasn't there . Dissapointed , I got out of the kitchen and went up to our room in her search . Twisting the door knob quietly I entered in and surprisingly found Nisa laying on the bed , sleeping peacefully with half of her back resting against the headboard .

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