Chapter 15 - Cleaning The Mess

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Oh my goodies 3k+ reader ....... I am loving it =D .

Once again As-salamu alaikum and hello to all my wattmates . I am back , first time ever so soon ;-P . And Jazak Allah khair for the luv and support u are giving to my book as well as to me :-) . And BTW I think I forgot to tell u people that I luv u guys too . XOXOX . So read and enjoy .

«|«|«|And yes guys plz forgive me this chapter has a lot of cursing and use of stupid words . Well I think they r stupid . So read on ur own risks|»|»|

And yes I would like to dedicate this chapter to hilaiqahari for being an awesome reader and friend too .


"What the hell are you doing here ? Or forget about it , just tell me how the hell you got inside my wardrobe And why the freaking hell are you wearing my hoodies ?" He yelled . Now how am I suppose to tell him that what am I doing here and why am I wearing his hoodie . Wait what !?! He is asking me means he have not seen the pics . Wow looks like Allah is with me . I started looking around the room in search of his iPhone and found it on his bed or rather I should say on the edge of his bed .

"Oh hello !! I am asking you something ?" Azaan waved his hand in front of me .

"Huh umm ..... I umm ..... I guess I must leave ." I said and walked past him towards his bed . I thought that I would just take his phone and rush out of his room but nothing such happen . I had just walk past him when he banged one of the wardrobe side shut and yanked me back by my elbow , pinning me to the wardrobe door . He smacked his hands on my both sides . I guess I putted myself in a great mess . I didn't looked at him even for once as I knew that I couldn't digest the looks he would be giving me at present or the intensity of his eyes/graze . I just kept looking at the floor , as if it was the world's most interesting thing .

"Don't you dare walk away when I am talking to you ." He said through clenching teeth and bring his face dangerously close . I for once left my head a bit to look at him but I again started looking down as soon as my eyes met his , which were flaming with anger . His face was only a few inches away from mine .Oh Allah what should I do . Should I try distracting him by changing the topic . Yeah I guess that's a good idea .

"Ummm....m... will u plz ... wear...wear a shirt ." I shattered .

'Oh god . Wow Aanisa couldn't you come up with some other reason .' Okay today one thing is definitely proved that my inner voice has a very bad timing . And even this is proved that although it has a bad timing yet in 50% cases its right .

"Why you are not able to stop yourself from jumping on me ." What !?! What did he just said . This cheapo , oh God , I am seriously going to kill him one day .

"Just shut up And . Get . A . Side ." I said looking straight into his eyes . Both of us' eyes were flaming with anger . And soon we were having a serious fight through our eyes . Neither was he ready to blink nor I . He kept on staring into my eyes , it looked as if he was looking at my soul straight through my eyes , while I was looking deep in his eyes in a hope , that maybe just maybe i would be able to revile some of his secrets , in a hope that maybe I would be able to meet the real Azaan , maybe .
At last I started feeling a bit uncomfortable from his graze and removed my eyes from his and he in return had a victorious smirk on his face .

I pushed him away and walked past him . I had just reached till his bed where his phone was lying when he spoke up from behind "oye !! Where the hell are you going who will clear all this mess ." He said pointing towards the messed up wardrobe . I turned around placed my hands on my hips and tilted my head a bit .

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