Chapter 5: Coming Out Of A Shell

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(Y/n) sat down on her desk, knowing that Lala was glaring daggers at her back of her head, and Saki laughing at her sister's expense. (E/c) eyed girl would apologise to her later and make sure to make it up to her.

(Y/n) thought back to the boys she had seen a while ago and wondered if they got themselves in trouble once more. Then again, the (h/c) haired student wasn't their babysitter and they seemed to be able to handle themselves alright.

She was snapped out of the daydream when she heard the gasps of her friends from behind, making her wonder what got them so incredulous. But she got her answer in the form of a cocoa haired boy with lush, leafy eyes. It took her a second to realise that he was part of the group of the six new students. He seemed to recognise (Y/n) as well when he sat down next to her and got ready to say something when the teacher interrupted everything.

"Alright, so what I want you to do today is create a poster of Soviet Russia in 1917. You'll be doing this activity with your partners and I don't just mean one person do all the work while the other pays them for extra credit. Get your papers and colouring pens and pencils on my desk and make sure to put them back this time." A few of the pupils in class sniggered at the remark and everyone left their seats to get the equipment needed. The sound of chairs scraping against the floor and a buzz of chattering resonated from every direction.

"I'll go get-" she turned to her new partner but only found empty space where he was once seated. She looked around to spot him getting the tools needed. 'That was nice of him.' He came back a bit timidly and silently sat down. "Thanks!" (Y/n) beamed at the nice gesture only to have the young man look away. 'Not much of a talker.' She concluded and started flipping through her book, gathering information she needed.

The boy next to her, watched as she took over and began doing the work of two. (Y/n) gave him the occasional glance, curious to what he might be distracting himself with. But each time she merely found her eyes gazing back at him as he quietly observed her. 'Why do people keep staring at me today?! Should I start charging?' She thought for moment, deciding what she should do. "Hey, do you need something?" She tried to sound as non-sarcastic as she could, avoiding any misinterpretation. In response he self-consciously averted his eyes to focus on the brown desk he was leaning against. 'Did I scare him?'

She speculated in what way approaching him would be successful. A light bulb appeared in her head and rummaged through her bag and took out a black pencil. She quickly jotted down on one corner of the large, canvas-like sheet of paper. The male by her side attempted to peek at what the writing was, but was shielded by the female's arm.

He quickly retracts back to his own personal space when (Y/n) raised her body and slid the paper towards him and continued on with her writing. It took him approximately 1 minute before noticing she had scribbled down a small message on the corner of the A3 paper.

'Hey, how are you?'

A bit at a loss, he kept glancing at the girl and back at the paper, trying to pick up on any sort of sign as to what his next move would be.

Absorbed by her work, (Y/n) promptly spun her head to her side when she felt something move. It was the emerald eyed male pushing the paper back at her. She glanced back at the corner and noticed an addition to her writing. In neat penmanship, was written underneath her message:


Seeing she finally made some sort of progress, she quickly scribbled down another note and passed it back.

'I'm (Y/n), how's it going partner?'

He hesitantly wrote her back and passed the corner again to her.


A bit unimpressed at his single word answers, she tried for a loop hole to move the conversation on.

'How are you liking the new school?'

It took him a bit longer to think of a response to the question:

'It's good.'

Unsatisfied with the short answers, she thought of rigging the message:

'How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'

She knew it was a stray point but she might as well get him to relax. A bit confused at the sudden change of tone to the question he thought for a bit and passed it back down:

'About as much ground a groundhog could hog if a ground hog could hog ground.'

(Y/n) looked back to determine if this was part of the joke or if it was serious. The boy seemed to be smiling softly towards her, giving the game away. 'Maybe this can break the ice!' (Y/n) told herself as another idea popped up:

'What comes down but never goes up?'


Seeing she had made a breakthrough she began gathering her thoughts, and unintentionally murmured "I would have personally said my IQ but it's whatever." The male snickered at her remark in a hushed tone and was handed another riddle:

'What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?'


'What travels the world but stays at one spot?'


'I'm taller when I'm younger, and in shorter when I'm older. What am I?'


'I've ran out of riddles.'

She down-castes her head, defeated by her lack of originality. 'Well, it was good while it lasted.' The white sheet was handed back to her:

'Mary's father has 5 daughters - Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?'

(Y/n) felt a bit happy that he seemed to be persistent in continuing to communicate with her.

'Mary, of course!'

They inscribe to each other for the duration of the lesson, exchanging riddles at first and then 'talking' about the school subjects, shows and even anime they liked, disliked and recommended. All in all, despite his painful shyness, he seemed social enough to be good company and (Y/n) found herself with doing none of the work intended to be done and concluded she would take the large paper and finish it at home.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Sorry if I annoyed you, I tend to ramble on." She slightly giggled at her own joke but the boy gave off the impression that he was deep in thought and disappointed. The girl saw her friends frantically beaconing her to follow them, she was about to join them when she halted and remained motionless and speechless when she heard the a person behind her speak towards the exiting female.

"Jin." It was soft spoken and almost a whisper. (Y/n) turned around to conclude her suspicions and, it was in fact the silent boy. After a minute of careful calculating she does a full 180 degree spin and faces the boy in full on confusion.

'He can speak?!?' "I'm sorry, what?" Still a bit in a daze, (Y/n) backtracks if she had heard right.

"My name....its Jin." (Y/n) involuntarily smiled and nodded to show she managed to get the statement that time.

"It was a pleasure to meet you! See you tomorrow." She waved goodbye to him and joined her dumbfounded friends. This left the male to stare at the disappeared girl, he found himself smiling, almost lovingly at the memory of the moments with the female.

"The pleasure was all mine."

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