Chapter 64: Concerns And Terror

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The girl spent an elongated amount of time in the kitchen, simply staring at her cup of tea with a dismal expression. She was in conflicting decisions of her situation and worriedly fiddled with her scarf as time seemed to slowly pass her by, thinking over the occurrences of the past 24 hours. She was brought back to the real world as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the dining area. (Y/n) concluded the noise to be one of the other inhabitants of the household and proceeded to drink her tea before freezing in her spot from the person that entered the room.

Ryo rubbed his forehead in an attempt to massage the ringing headache that had woken him up, and didn't even notice the stunned girl sitting at the far side of the kitchen, her cup halfway to her lips. The boy proceeded to walk over to the fridge, completely unresponsive to the second presence in the room, while the female quietly set her cup down  to shakily stand up from her seat to further distance herself from the individual that caused her anxiety.

After building up the valour to silently tiptoe to the entrance while the male was in his distracted state, she dodged behind the frame to fully hide herself from the boy. The girl quickly exited the scenes while Ryo's back was still turned and made a successful escape.

The blond seemed to senses a change in his surroundings and turned around to observe the empty room, letting his eyes fall on the half drunk cup of tea. 'Was somebody here...? Agh! This damn headache! Feels like my head is going to explode.' He rubbed his temple until hearing the ring sound of the toaster propelling the pieces of cooked bread for his consumption. He agitatedly took the toast to weakly set it down on a plate and half-heartedly reached out for a carving tool to cut the food, only to grab onto thin air. 'Hm? Where did the bread knife go?'

(Y/n) quickly made her way to the second floor, only stopping at the very top to catch her breath. She exhaled a sigh of relief before remembering of the other male that was supposed to be located on the upper grounds. 'Where's Alex? Kaito told him to wait here...' She looked around to spot any sign of the boy, only to proceed with her walk towards her room where she would be left safely on her own.

As the female approached her own area, she caught sight of white scraps of card laying on the floor in front of her door. (Y/n) approached the small objects and confirmed them to be puzzle pieces upon closer inspection.

'These are...from Jin's puzzle. What are they doing here?' She picked up each one of the segments and proceeded to make her way to their owner's room to give them back. 'I'll just put them on his table or something...I wonder how they got to my room in the first place...?' As she thought over a logical conclusion to her question, she was alerted by the sound of a loud collision emanating from ahead of her.

The girl hesitated over walking around the corner to witness what the source of the ruckus was. (Y/n) cautiously approached the edge of the wall after hearing the sounds of grunts and growls accompanying the noises of objects being knocked over. She stuck her head around to assess the situation and dropped the puzzle pieces as her eyes stared at the two struggling boys.

"Never hurt (Y/n). Don't go near her again." Jin pushed the knife he was gripping, further into the opposing boy's arm, coating both their clothes in the crimson liquid that flowed out of the wound. Alex panted as he attempted to block out the agonising pain that was brought by the blade's incision into his flesh.

He held against the other boy for both support and a way to restrict his attacker from causing any more damage. The injured boy seemed absorbed over his opponent's words before speaking his thoughts in a whisper. "(Y/n) is my priority, I would never hurt her...I have no purpose to live if not to protect her...and you're in my way." Jin was taken aback as the opposing male glared up at him with a flare in his eyes that showed an animalistic instinct to overpower the pray before him. As an adrenaline rush shot through his bloodstream, Alex shoved the boy to the wall, forcing the knife out of his arm as Jin was sent flying back.

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