Chapter 50: A Little Pain

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October, 5 Monday

As the light filtered through the open blinds of the room, it hit the still-sleeping face of the girl, causing her to stir in her exhausted state. As the gleam continued to irritate her eyelids, her body decided on awakening, letting the female's gaze get pierced by the brightness. As her more sober state came to take control of her mind, she quickly began scanning the room for any sign of the residence of the home but found that she was alone. (Y/n) took a few minutes to gather herself before walking towards the door. 'It's 8:30 am...this means they'll be at school by now!' She opened the door with the expectancy to find a deserted house, allowing her to make her escape. 'I can't believe it! This is way too easy...' As her reprehensibility began taking the better of her, she descended to the first floor to only be greeted by the two boys sitting around the coffee table in the open living room.

"Angel! Were you trying to run away again?" Ryo playfully quizzed the girl, hinting an underlining mockery in his voice. (Y/n) almost gagged as her hopes diminished and hesitantly approached the males.

"(Y/n), come and join us for breakfast." Jin welcomingly smiled towards the female, creating a frown on her face.

"You...guys aren't going to school today?"

"Well, Kaito assigned me, Jin and Ren to stay here and look after you until they come back, and then we switch tomorrow." Ryo did a little twirl with his finger to indicate the change and settled down to drink his carton of juice.

"You can have some eggs and sausages." Jin held up his knife and fork that he prepared to cut up his breakfast with but (Y/n) shook her head in a dismissive manner.

"Well, what would you like? I'll cook you anything you want." The musician appeared behind the girl placed his hands on her shoulders to attract her attention. (Y/n) shook the boy off and rocked her head again in a dismissive fashion. Ren perplexingly watched the girl until a gentle smile spread across his lips. "Cereal?"

The female seemed thoughtful for a second before sighing, "Why not...?" The boy nodded at her response and disappeared into the kitchen.

(Y/n) proceeded to take a seat beside Ryo on the couch while Jin stood at the other side of the coffee table. "Did you have a pleasant night?" Jin politely inquired the girl while she yawned in response.

"Could be better, could be worse..." The girl felt her nerves arising as she sensed a certain pair of hands trying to stealthily slide towards the side of her body in a tickle attack. "Ryo don't." The boy quickly retracted and innocently gazed to the side as though nothing had happened, and turned towards the female with a confused look.

"Hm? What?"

"Don't try and tickle me again." Ryo pouted at the female but the moment she turned away from him, his hands quietly progressed towards her again. However before he could reach her, (Y/n) slid off the sofa and sat on the ground to lean against the coffee table. "I said no Ryo." The male moped for a few seconds before also joining the girl on the floor, in front of the second boy. "Ryo?" She warningly whined as he began sliding his hand across the surface of the table towards her.

"Aaww lighten up angel, it's a beautiful morning."

"She said 'stop' Ryo..." Jin silently glared at the boy as he watched the blond annoying the girl. "Leave her alone."

Ryo waved the boy's comment off and continued his progression towards the girl's arms. "Ryo, enough!" (Y/n) scowled at the boy, keeping her ground.

"Come on, you seemed to enjoy it a lot yesterday~" he playfully spoke, further aggravating the girl. Just as the male's hand was a few slides away from reaching the female, she readied herself to scold him when his hand immediately stopped as a blade was jabbed into the wood of the furniture, centimetres away from striking his wrist. Ryo froze in place at the sight of the knife just an inch away from stabbing him and looked towards the holder of the weapon.

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