Chapter 49: A Long Day

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October, 4th Sunday

"Boop. Boop." A light poking sensation pressed itself on the girl's cheeks and eyelids, causing a bit of lucidness to be brought about to her resting form. "Boop. Boop." (Y/n) began stirring in her sleepy state, thrashing around her head at the sensation. "Boop. Boop." The girl's irritation began taking the better of her, until she figured on opening her eyes to assess what the sensation was. "Boop. Boop. Morning my angel. How was your night?" The girl stared up into the soft brown eyes of the figure laying on top of her.

"What the hell?!" She threw her bed sheets up to cover the boy in the fabric before crawling away from the intruder. "Ryo, are you insane?!" The female scuttled further back until she felt no surface underneath her and tumbled backwards to the ground. "Ow..." She rubbed her back looked up at the beguiled face of the boy laying on her bed.

"Hahahaha, do I scare you that much? Haha, come on angel, let me help you up." He extended a hand towards the girl only to have it slapped away as she pulled herself up on her own.

"What are you doing here?!" She angrily glared at the cheerful boy while he proceeded to roll around in her bed like a hyperactive child.

"Haha! I'm so happy today! You know why? Because I get to spend a few hours with my darling angel. You do remember, right?" (Y/n) groaned out as she recalled the entire scheme for their day.

"Can I at least change and brush my teeth?" She rubbed her sleepy eyes, until she looked back up at the boy patiently sitting on the duvet. "Excuse me, did you hear what I said?" She glared at the observant male who seemed unfazed by her aggravated tone.

"Can I help you change?" The girl stared at the boy, taken by surprise by his question.

"W-what?! No!" She backed away from the male and clutched onto her blouse, afraid she would feel fingers trying to pull the clothing off of her body.

"Aaww, why no? Come on, it'll be much faster this way~" the male approached the girl with a suggestive grin while she could only afford to back away from him like a wounded animal.

"No! Ryo! I said no! Get away!" As she felt her back pressing against the wall behind her, panic began taking over the girl's hindsight and desperately searched for a way out. "Stay back!" However, the boy proceeded to approach the girl in a confident stride as he lifted his hand up in anticipation of using them.

"Don't worry, this will only take a minute~" as he was in touching distance of the girl, he reached out towards the edge of her shirt.

"Ryo please stop-ppfff hahaha, what are you-? Hahaha! S-stop, stop, ahaha!" The girl burst out howling uncontrollably and rolling around in the boy's hold as he continued to move his fingers against her stomach.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle~" He mercilessly stimulated the girl's skin with the tickling assault he was giving her until her legs could not hold the defeated female and she ended up sliding to the ground in a laughing heap. "Alright, I'll give you 15 minutes to change and then we'll go eat." He petted the female's head before leaving her on her own to prepare for the day ahead.


Time Skip

The girl emerged out of her room with her new, casual attire and noticed the boy had complicated himself with a toy in his hands. "You ok...?" Ryo turned towards the girl and gave her an awkward smile.

"Yeah, just a moment, I'll be with you." The boy turned back to the toy he had trapped himself in and attempted to tug his two fingers out. The girl recognised the object as a Chinese finger trap and wasn't sure whether to help the male or leave him to struggle, After a few minutes of the boy's endeavours he hang his head in defeat. "Do you know how to work this...?"

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