Chapter 29: A Plan

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When the pair of students finally decided to part the embrace, (Y/n) had a slight and noticeable redness to her face when she turned back to her friends. "Kenzan, come and meet my friends. They've been really helpful to me!" The two walked over to introduce the blond to new students, while they had to dig their nails into the palms of their hands to stop their bodies from leaping towards the guy. "This is Bako. He helped me quite a bit during science and is my classmate. Him and the others just enrolled last week." Kenzan politely smiled at the angered boy and reached out to shake his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, welcome to our school." Bako slightly hesitated to shake the other male's hand but none the less complied with the greeting and returned the gesture. "W-wow, quite a grip you have there." The blond slightly cringed at the iron hold Bako had on him. "I'm really grateful that you took care of (Y/n). I know how helpless she can be." (Y/n) pouted at the insulting statement.

"I'm not that helpless!" The girl crossed he arms to defy the title but softened up when Kenzan patted her head. "A-anyway, come on Kenzan, they changed quite a few things since you were gone. Let me show you!" She started to pull on the boy's arm when her stride was halted by someone tugging her from behind. (Y/n) turned around to see that Ren was holding tightly onto her arm.

"Hold on, we need to get everything sorted for the performance. Remember partner?" He innocently tilted his head to inquire the guilty looking girl.

"O-oh, yeah..." To the boy's displeasure, (Y/n) seemed too disappointed for his liking and begrudgingly let go of her. However, what made it even worse for him was when the newcomer turned his attention towards the dark haired male.

"You don't mind if I steal her away for a while? Don't worry, it's just for today and then you can have her for the rest of the week." Kenzan good-heartedly smiled at the other student but wasn't returned with the boy's usual solicitous expression.

He prepared to object to the request but didn't utter his opinion when he saw the eager expression of the female and decided on giving a resenting nod to grant permission.

"Thanks Ren!" (Y/n) gratifyingly hugged the boy for his approval. Before Ren could return the embrace, (Y/n) placidly joined her old friend to show him around.

"Only've been here 5 minutes and they're already acting like a married couple." The tomboy girl laughed at their expense but received a scolding look from her sister.

"Don't tease! You'll end up in the same position eventually." Saki scoffed at the comment and then took notice of the empty spaces previously occupied by the group of boys.

"Where did they go?"

The males wondered around the bustling halls in agonising silence. After numerous run-ins with a few females that showed interest in them, they isolated themselves from any other student outside of the building. They decided to amalgamate on any ideas that could sort out the problem that was (Y/n)'s childhood friend.

"Maybe I should straighten my hair...?" Ryo twirled a strand of his blond locks, attempting to figure what way he could make himself appear like the hated male. "Wear contacts...get into a pair of twins and I might actually get somewhere!" Ryo seemed hyped up with his idea but the others showed disapproval towards the thought.

"Us amalgamating ideas over the situation is getting us nowhere. Actually, I have another motif that might play out pretty well if executed correctly." All of the boys listened closely to the intellectual who was always on the analytical stance of every scenario. "But first I'll need Alex as a sacrifice."

"What...?" The neutral expression of the male changed from his friend's words and took a step back.

"Don't be like that. You'll do you call it? 'Taking one for the team' one might say." Kaito patted the stunned boy's shoulder in what was meant to be a comforting and friendly way. "It might take some time and patience, but I bet you by the end of the week she'll be desiring to be with us through her own free will."

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