Chapter 41: Another Day

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(Y/n) incessantly stared at the ceiling as she listened to the light breathing of her friends' sleeping forms. The darkness seemed too quiet, eluding to a much more peaceful yet still stiff atmosphere. The girl continued to roll around her bed, not being able to find a comfortable enough position to get a proper rest. To make it worse, there was the certain prospect of communicating with the guys the next day so she truly had no peace to look forward to. 'How do I tell someone about them without coming off as a liar or involving my friends? If I tell someone, that might do something, but who knows what they'll do to people before that...I've really dug myself in deep shi-' the female's restless body jumped as the sound of vibrations bounced off the walls and (Y/n) flipped over to catch the phone before waking up the two girl's sleeping in the opposite bed. However, to the teenager's relief, her friends simply stirred in their unconscious forms and she inaudibly tip-toed towards the door in order to take the call in a more private place.

She quietly ran past the room that held the slumbering parents and found the ground floor to be of a better accommodation. After doing a quick check of her surroundings and making sure she was desolated, she put the call through. "Hello?" She whispered into the speakers, fearing any drastic change in pitch would wake the rest of the inhibitors. She was answered with an annoyed groan from the device.

"Took you long enough, stupid girl." He murmured the last part, giving good hints as to who it was.

"What do you want? It's 1 in the morning?" (Y/n) irritatingly responded, despite not being tired in the first place to act this aggravated.

"...I can't sleep..." The female glared at open space, unconvinced of his claim due to the tiredness in his voice. As if reading her thoughts, he huffed amusingly, "I might not sound it, but I seem to be experiencing some insomnia since Saturday." (Y/n) sat down on the comfy, warming sofa chair to prepare for his explanation, cringing slightly at the mention of the night she escaped. "Now, since I'm simply tired I might say some things that I'll deny ever speaking of at a later interval, so it's up to you whether you chose to remember or forget them. Do you understand?" The girl gulped slightly and hesitantly nodded her head. "If you're nodding your head right now and you think I can actually see it, you must be dumber than I thought." (Y/n) could hear the nuance of laughter in his voice and harrumphed at the comment. "Now give me a straight answer..." His voice changed back to a more neutral tone and patiently awaited for a response.

"Yes..." (Y/n) wasn't exactly sure what she was agreeing to. His wording seemed too inconspicuous that she wasn't sure what she should prepare herself for.

"Good...I'm guessing I'm the last person you wish to speak with at a time like this," the girl rolled her eyes, glad that he was not there to see the annoyed gesture, "but I can no longer restrain myself, I want to talk to you. You don't need to force yourself to talk back, I simply wish to hear you breathing to make sure you're there, listening to me." (Y/n) sighed, and leaned back into the chair, having the feeling this might be a long night. "I'm not quite sure how long it's been since I had a proper conversation with you, but seeing how I'm barely lucid at this moment I feel less reluctant to hold back on some things...hell, I'm not sure if I'll even remember tonight but I know it'll be a long while before I say this when I'm at a more clear track of thought so here it goes..." (Y/n) intently listened and drafted notes down in her head as reminders of how she could use them. "I want you as my own (Y/n). It sickens me to no end when I see people putting their hands on what's rightfully mine." The girl scoffed at the comment and shook her head in disapproval but was reluctant to answer. "I honestly could do so much right now to take you back, but I'll let you decide what should be done."

"Why the hell are you even giving me a choice in this? I thought that you worked on your own accord." The boy slightly grinned at her attentiveness from his end.

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