Chapter 25: Resturant

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Sunday, September 20th

(Y/n) had almost scolded herself to sleep the night prior to losing her phone. She couldn't remember where she had put it and certainly didn't find it in her bag. Even during the morning, she woke up early due to the guilt and worry over her expensive mechanic. The (h/c) haired girl definitely didn't have any urge to get up from her bed either since just a few hours ago she was finishing off her homework for the weekend to distract herself from her missing device. 'The damn did I put it?! Ok, I know I had it when I was going to Ryo's house and I had it when I was still there-' (Y/n) sat up in her bed at the realisation and was ready to smack her forehead against her desk for the cluelessness and worry she put herself through. 'I need to get my head on straight...'

She quickly put on a few casual clothes for winter and didn't seem to care what really matched and what was just unnecessary, too busy thinking about her phone. As she came down to the first floor of her home, leaping three steps at a time, she barely greeted the elderly woman who was downstairs making breakfast, and gave her a rushed and unspecific explanation of where she was off to. (Y/n) sprinted out of the house before the older adult could utter, "What?"

The girl had a spring to her step and speed walked all the way to the boy's house, not taking consideration on using a bus as a faster means of transport. By the time she was face to face with the giant compound again, she was out of breath and cursing how unfit she actually was. (Y/n) walked up to the buzzer and proceeded to push the button and wait for a response from inside the building. After a few seconds, a voice was heard coming through in a low-quality inquiry. "Ryo? Dude, it's me. Can you let me in?"

"Alright, what's the password?" (Y/n) stared at the speaker as if staring right into the boy's face.

"W-what? Ryo I seriously need to find something, so can I come in for a minute?" She wasn't in the mood to amuse the boy since all that she had on her mind was her property.

Through the intercom came a slightly hissing sound that seemed almost mocking and the boy kissed his teeth at her response. "Not quite angel. Try again." Came out the enthusiastic encouragement of the male.

"Ryo, there is no password, now can you let me in?"

"Yes, there is. I made one while you were away." The boy proudly declared and was evident through his tone.

"Then how would I know it?" (Y/n) rose her eyebrow in sarcastic mockery.

"You...-good point." (Y/n) finally heard the buzz she was waiting for and roughly shoved the gate open and wasted no time on arriving at the boy's doorstep. She was greeted by Ryo's smiling face and had to fight the urge of hitting him on the arm for wasting her time. "How can I help my angel this morning?"

"I'm looking for something I might have left here by accident, can I just come in and search for it?" She looked at the blond in hopes he would allow her.

"Sure, what are you looking for?" Ryo stepped aside to allow entrance for the girl and she took the chance to search around on the floor or under objects.

"I think I had lost my phone somewhere here and I couldn't find it yesterday at home." She checked under the large, leather sofa but found only dust-bunnies and forever lost pieces of junk food.

"Oh, I don't know (Y/n). Maybe it's somewhere upstairs."

"That's what I'm counting on...- why are you dressed like that?" She pointed at his chosen articles on clothing that seemed too outgoing for a stay-at-home casual look.

"Well, I'm glad you asked! Guys, are you ready yet?!" He shouted up the stairs and immediately after that Bako and Kaito ascended to greet the girl, dressed in a similar outside-winter style for their tastes.

Infatuation (Yandere Boys x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin