Kaito Ending

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The girl quickly ran outside the gate as she tried to regain her breath with every huff of air. As her heart raced, she looked around herself to make an urgent decision between which path she should take to lead her way home. 'If I run down the road it's much closer to my house but there's more of a chance I'll run into at least one of them...if I run up the street I might be able to avoid any of them, but it'll take more time to get home...'

She looked around in a paranoid manner as she attempted to steady her beating heart. She kept looking up and down the empty street as she briskly walking from the two directions before taking a deep breath to calm her alert senses and looked towards the longer route in thoughtful consideration.

'I can't risk it at this moment...not when I'm this close!' She gulped before she began sprint up the road with a new found strength. Each step brought more hope to her, before she moved into a small clearing, turning towards a large office building where she would be able to take a small shortcut through the private area.

As the girl ran past alleys, dumpsters, and corners, she managed to reach the gate that blocked off the way to the private area that could cross over to the street she needed to enter.

She stopped at the gate to regain her stammering breath before she pushed against the bars with the intent of freeing her path. As she applied pressure, a force acted against her attempts to force it open. After a few moments of attempts at opening the gate with sheer strength, she looked up to see a beeping red light above the entrance, indicating it's temporary lock down.

As she reminded herself of the system that ran the gate's entrance, she huffed in frustration as she waited to see the red light convert to a green confirmation. "Come on...come on, it should be time to open..." She impatiently tapped her foot in a frantic custom.

The girl kept intently watching the light with the irritating sensation of paranoia scratching her thoughts out. Before the female could take a deep, calming breath, her attention was grabbed by an object being hurtled towards the wall beside her. She swiftly turned her head to see an unopened box of juice laying on the ground, half smashed from the impact it went through.

(Y/n)'s breath hitched in her throat as she felt her heart fall to her stomach. She reluctantly began turning around to see the individual that was glaring at her with a heavily discontent and angered expression. "You must continue making it hard for all of us you stupid girl."

(Y/n) swallowed as she locked eyes with the infuriated intellectual as he stood only a few paces away from her cornered form. "I'm going home Kaito. You can't stop me!" The boy furiously clenched his teeth as he glared at the female .

"You're not going home quite yet. That lock on the gate has a set time that opens it, so no one intrudes during the night. You're still trapped, regardless of how close you are, for the next few minutes...Have you forgotten about the wellbeing of your dear friends? Unless you've completely lost interest in protecting them which is fine as well, we'll definitely need something to entertain ourselves with when you go." The male smirked to himself, only for it to disappear when he noticed the female seemed unfazed by his threat.

"That won't be a problem." Kaito furrowed his brow at the girl, filled with confusion as she took the menace with more tranquility than expected.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you really going to sacrifice your friends for your dear freedom?" The girl scoffed at the boy's cluelessness, causing his flared temper to continue sparking.

"Do you want me to catch you up with what's going on? Or do you want to keep making a fool of yourself with empty threats." The intellectual growled at her words before scowling at the girl in slight curiosity.

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