Chapter 7: Old Friends

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I turn around to find a very mad looking Alexander, and Kai, Valentino, and Chris were trying to hold back their laughter.

"Let me go home." I hiss.

"Do you even know where your going?" Alexander chuckles. I step on his foot with my 4 inch black heels. He groans in pain and hops around like a bunny rabbit.

"Now Mr. Bunny Rabbit, can you tell me which my house is?" I ask innocently.

"You Bitc-"

"Say it and I'll shove a stick up your ass." I snap. The boys all break and start laughing. Alexander turns and looks at them in the eye. They all stop laughing except Valentino. Alexander growled until Valentino sobered up.

"Just let me go." I hiss.

"Ally, your in danger. I need to protect you." Alex snaps.

First this DJ incident, now Alex is saying that I'm in danger.

Wait a minute, this is all him! This is his prank! It all makes sense, he could've just slipped this in my pocket while I was asleep.

"Enough with this prank Alexander!" I snap.

"Alex." He corrects.

"Alexander." I corrected.

"Bitch." Her murmurs.

"Female Dog." I corrected once again.

"Dick." He smirked and chuckled.

I leaned up real close.

"You." I said in his ear. Alexander just looked at me with disbelief while the boys broke into laughter once again.

"Now seriously, what's with the prank DJ?" I ask. All the boys look at me then look at each me. They burst in laughter.

"I'm serious! Which one of you is DJ?" I ask. They continue to laugh. I give up.

"Just take me home!" I scream.

"Alex, you do it." Valentino orders. Alex gives him a look.

"Why me?" He grunts.

"Because you live on the same street as her!" Kai smirks.

"WHAT?!" I scream. No. No. No. I can't live on the same street as a murderer! Chris puts his arm around me.

"It's true princess." Chris says. I freeze when he says princess. Shit, this can't be happening. Why is t-

-"Here you go Princess!" He calls out handing me a ice cream and pinching my cheek with his vacant hand.

"Don't call me that." I whine snatching the ice cream out of his hand.

"Do you want me to call you sis instead?" He smirks taking a sip of his mineral water. He knew I hated being called sis.

"No! You can call me princess!" I quickly blurt out. He chuckles.

"Okay princess." He says running a hand through his brown thick gorgeous hair.

"Question." I say.

"What is it?" He asks with curious eyes.

"Why do you call me princess? You could just call me by name, that's what normal siblings do!" I say while biting my waffle cone and Cotten candy flavoured ice cream. Wow this stuff was good!

"Because." Is all he says.

"Oh come on!" I whine. He chuckles again.

"-Ally!" Valentino yells.

"Huh? What happened?" I ask playing with the tips of my hair.

"I asked you if your okay with going Alex, what happened? You look like your going to cry?" Valentino asks with concerned eyes. Chris and Kai share the same look, Alex just snickers.

"She's probably crying because of her boyfriend, Eric." Alexander teases.

I had enough of this.

I storm off, once again. I can hear Valentino scold Alexander and Kai and Chris call after me. I start picking up my pace, I don't need boys running after me.

~~~ 28 minutes later~~~

I am out on the streets of California. A place I haven't been in 14 damn years.

Cars are driving past me, honking at other cars. I walk past some shops. I walk past a diner, it looks awfully familiar. I open the door and walk inside. I gasp at the familiar face working at the counter.

"Gabi?" I ask walking closer to the brunette with pitch black eyes , tan skin and 2 black beauty dots on her left cheek. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Ma'am, my name is Gabrielle. It even says it on my name tag, how did you get it that wrong?!" She snaps pointing to her name tag on her t-shirt that says 'Wanda's' on it, not once looking up at me. I frown.

"Hello! Don't you recognize me?!" I pout. She rolls her eyes, then looks up.

She puts her hands over her mouth. A few tears slip from her eye.

"A-Ally?" She whispers. I nod wiping a few tears that popped out of my eyes.

"It's been 9 years!" She squeals running up to me and tackling me into a hug.

Gabi was my best friend before Nicky. Gabi and I were friends since diapers according to our parents, but I moved away from her when I was 4, we used to Skype every day till I was 9. After I turned 9, we lost contact.

"What are you doing back here?" Gabi asks pulling herself away from me.

"I moved back here a couple of days ago."I say patting my hair down to make myself look a little more decent.

"Thank the Lord." She mumbles. "I missed you so damn much, its not even a joke. I would wait for your Skype call everyday for 9 years, why didn't you call me?"She asks.

"I lost contact of you. I am sorry."I say, frowning.

"Its fine Al."She says smiling. Gabi was a very cherry preppy person. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a cheerleader. "Come sit down!"She says pointing to a booth.

"Shouldn't you be working right now?"I ask sitting down across from her.

"Hun, my parents own the diner! I have nothing to worry about!"She smiles tossing me menu she stole from the table next to ours. Gabi's parents owned diner's all across the country. They are very humble and nice, unlike my parents they like to get to know the staff! They like to help them, even if they have to get on their knee's.

"Are you sure? I can leave." I say.

"No! No! No! I am not losing you again!"She squeals.

"Honey! Are you alright back there?!"A way too familiar voice calls from the kitchen. Soon the door to the kitchen flys open with a worried lady that is in her mid 40's, she has black and white hair, brown eyes, and pale skin.

Mrs. Hathaway.

"Mom, do you remember Ally? Alison Johnson?" Gabi asks. Mrs. Hathaway walks closer to me. She puts her hand on my cheek, it was very warm. It felt nice against my cold skin.

"How could I ever forget?" She says. "My lovely is back.." She says wiping a tear that made it way down her wrinkled skin.

"Mrs. Hathaway.. How are you?" I ask wrapping my arms around her. She chuckles.

"I'm fine, what about you darling?"She asks. I move over so I'm sitting next to Gabi so Mrs. Hathaway has room to sit down.

"I'm great, thank you."I smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I have cookies in the oven! I'll go get them!"Mrs. Hathaway sings running off. Me and Gabi share a chuckle.

"So what are you doing here in the diner." Gabi asks.


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