Chapter 55: Pills

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"I.. I miss you two.. A-And I loved you before, I still love you now, and always will, because I know, the old Mari and Drew are still somewhere, if they don't come out now, they will soon.. Maybe when its too late, when I'm dead. " I whimper, and bring my legs up to my chest. It was freezing now, late October, in a gravy yard when its pouring rain at 3 am.

I sneezed into my arm. My vision was starting to get a little fuzzy now, I had to go home now, if I stayed here any longer, I would catch a cold. I got up and almost fell, I stabled my self with Drew and Mari's tombstone's.

"We love you too Ally.." I hear behind me in a quiet voice.

I freeze and turn on my heel, there was no one there. I sobbed louder, "I wish you did.. I wish you did.." I cover my face with my hands. I wipe my tears and run to the car, I slide down against it. I shivered as the cold white metal came in touch with my wet back. I brought my hands up to my face, I dug my face into my hands and sobbed.

I just wanted to see them one last time with out them trying to kill me, it was hard living a day with out thinking if them. The first few days they left, I stayed in one corner of my room, my blinds closed, lights off. I never spoke a word to any one I locked my room, and sat in the corner of my room in the dark. I didn't sleep, eat, or anything. The black walls made me feel a little better, but I still wanted to die. I felt like I was in hell, and I still feel like that. I came to the conclusion, 'Everyone.Goes.To.Hell. No matter who you are, your going to hell.' I didn't cry after the first few days, I just sat there in silence, cutting my self with a blade, overdosing on pills. I even tried to drown my self in our pool once, but Nicky found me and saved me. That was when we were actually friends, after a while she realized I was never coming left, and she left me to drown in my tears. Thankfully she hadn't told any one what happened, which I respect her for, she could've ruined my life by telling the whole school, but she didn't.

"Allison," A voice ask's, their voice laced with a thick British accent.

I drop my hands and look up, I saw her standing in the rain, her wavy, wet, blond locks falling on her back, her green piercing eyes holding confusion, and her brown brows furrowed. She was wearing a long black flowy trench coat that she had buttoned up, her grey huge big shawl was wet and her black suede heels looked crisp and clean.

"N-Nicky?" I stutter.

"Ally." She breaths out. "Y-Your in California? You moved here out of all places?!"

"What are you doing here?" I ask wiping my tears, standing up stabling myself with my car by leaning on it.

"I was here for a mission.." Nicky says walking closer to me.

"Mission?" I ask pushing a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"I worked in the FBI too Ally. You forgot, didn't you?" She dryly laughs.

"You never told me." I say, clenching my fists.

"Whatever, I have a question.." She trails off.

"What?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you mad at me?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes." I say nonchalantly. "A bet was placed on me for a Ferrari, and you were apart of the bet. Heck! You made the bet!" I growl.

"For you safety.." She says. "Eric was in a gang, he was about to kill you, but I brought up a bet, that diverted his attention.." She says tears in her eyes. "I turned into the schools slut Ally, but I'm still a virgin.. For you Ally, I was called all of those names just for you." She says tears pricking her eyes.

"I really wish I could trust you, but, I can't.." I say. "At least not at the moment."

"I understand Ally.." She says.


The party went on and on. It was 4 am and people still weren't tired. They kept dancing, drinking and grinding. It disgusted me, Lilly was also partying, she dropped my car and keys off and went to Alex's place for partying. I stayed alone in my washroom for the rest of the night, cutting my self with my blade. I leaned my head on the white wall of the washroom, and let the bloody blade fall on the clean white tiles.

I wiped my tears, with my finger tips. I grabbed the blade and disposed it in the garbage after cleaning the tiles. I washed my cuts, letting the water wash away the cuts. It stung, trust me it did, but I was so used to it, I needed something stronger.


I run out of my bathroom into my bedroom, and opened my desk drawer. I pulled out my pill bottle from the drawer and closed the drawer. I sat down on my desk and opened my not book and grabbed a grey pen out of my pen holder.

I started writing a letter for Tony.

'Dear Tony, October.27.2016

When your reading this letter, I'm most likely to be gone, I'm sorry I let you down, I'm sorry I lied by saying I was fine, by saying I was strong. Me being alive has caused nothing but pain, because of me our mom is in a coma, and our dad is kidnapped, and you were forced to take care of the company. Drew and Mari left because of me, they became the monsters they are today because of me.

Its pointless for me to even be alive, I'm a useless person, I cant trust anyone, I have anxiety, depression and panic attacks, I'm extra baggage. In airports if you have extra baggage, you have to pay don't you? Just like that you all are paying the price of me. I'm making it easier for you all, the first days it may be hard, but trust me, like you started to hate Drew and Mari, you'll grow into it. Don't hold back Tony, marry Scarlet and forget about me.

You can't save already dead people neither can you put a broken glass back together. Its impossible.

I've been like this for six years now, I cant be saved. Please bury my body beside Drew and Mari's grave, it'l make my soul happy. I'll be watching you from above, I may be dead, but doesn't mean I'm gone. Remember, I love you and always will.

-Alison Salvatore Mia Johnson

Once known as The Lost Girl, one of the 3 leaders of The Rebels'

I folded the paper in half and wrote his name on the front of the paper. I got up from my chair and stood in the middle of my room.I looked over at Alex's house and saw everyone dancing on the balcony.

'Now Or Never.' My conscience chanted.

I unscrewed the lid of the pill bottle and threw it on the ground. I tilted my head backwards, and lifted the bottle and poured all the pills into my mouth,I closed my mouth and swallowed. I made contact with Val from Alex's balcony, but it was too late, I was already dying. I fell onto the ground, gasping for air, my eyes started to drop.

My first day as being an adult, I killed my self.


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