Chapter 25: Hospitals

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I wake up by hearing some crying and talking. My head aches, my body is sore, and my eyes feel heavy. Slowly the memories of the mall come back. I wince, just the memories.

My eyes flutter open I squint letting my eyes adjust to lighting. I saw white plain ceiling, this wasn't my room. I try getting up, but it hurts to so bad.

"Hey, don't try getting up. It's gonna hurt." Val says from the left of me. I look at my left side and see everyone. Everyone was worried, Conner and the girls looked like they cried their hearts out, they had red puffy eyes, and bags under their eyes. Kai, Val, and Chris, Raymond had red eyes with bags under them, all of them looked worried. Alex looked- worried and guilty?

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"Shut up." He hiss's into my ear. "We need to teach your friends a lesson for messing with us."

"F-Friends?" I ask.

"Alex and his gang, the BlackHood Gang." He hiss's. "I know your friends with them." He chuckles he throws me to one of the boys.

And the torture began.

I growl and clench my jaw. So this was all their fault! I get up despite Val's warning. He was wrong, it didn't just hurt. It burned, and hurt, I groaned. I looked around the room. It was a hospital room. I looked down at my clothes. I was in a hospital gown and flip flops that revealed my grey matte nails. My clothes dry cleaned and folded on a stool next to me with my black heels, keys, bag and phone next to them.

"Who brought me here? Where's my brother?" I ask rubbing my head that had a bandage on it.

"I did." Alex says sitting beside me on the bed. "We called your brother and told him you were in a accident, he couldn't make it because he had to go to Paris to take care of your parents company and find them." Alex says. My heart drops to my stomach. He left me alone?

"Where's Scar and Alma?" I ask Gabi.

"Scar and Alma had to go too. Handling a company and looking for your kidnapped parents isn't a easy job." Gabi says.

"So I'm alone?" I ask slamming my already bruised fist on the metal railing around the hospital bed, everyone flinches when I do so.

"No, we're going to be there for you." Diana says.

"You weren't there when I was getting attacked." I hiss.

"What did they do to you?" Val asks sitting on the other side of my bed.

"You wouldn't want to know." I say. "You'll pity me."

"No we won't. Please tell us." Conner begs.

"No." I say.

"Please." Kai asks.

"I'll buy you food." Raymond adds in.

"I don't take food from criminals." I say.

"I'll buy you clothes." Mel says.

"My parents own their own fashion company darling." I snort. "Did you already forget?"

"I'll buy you a new phone." Chris says.

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