Chapter 9: Kidnappings

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" I love you baby! I love you and all your flaws, wait.. You have no flaws! What am
I talking about!" Eric says planting a kiss on my noes. I start blushing.

No one other than family has told me they love me.. I mean why would they? Everyone kinda hated me.. But ever since I started going out with Eric, people actually.. Don't hate me!

I mean, they don't like me, but they also don't dislike me, and I... I like that, a lot.

"Your making me blush! Stop it!" I squeal hiding my face in my hands.

"I love you baby, and I always will!" Eric says kissing my forehead. I told him to stop didn't I?!

"Oh stop it!" I say. I bet I look like a tomato!

" I love you! I love you! I love you!" Eric says. Then he smirks. It's his famous evil smirk.

Oh no, what is he gonna do now? Eric let's go of my hand and walks away, in the centre of the mall.

"I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALISON JOHNSON!" Eric screams. Random heads in the mall turn to Eric and I. People start giggling and 'awwing'. I got even more red if that was possible.

"NO!" I scream jolting up.

"Ally?! Ally it's okay! It was just a dream!" Gabi says rushing me into a hug, she strokes my hair. I start shaking violently.

"Drew! Eric! Mom! Dad! And now Tony! They're all leaving! They're all leaving me! The hate me! I am gonna be alone! I don't wanna be alone!" I cry shaking non stop.

"I'm calling my mom! She'll know what to do! I'll be right back!" Gabi says running out of my room. "Although, I'm not sure if she can come!"

"Buzzz!" I quickly grab my phone, please let it be my parents.

Unknown Number:
Allison, move to Canada. It's for the best of you. I know it may be hard for you at first, but trust me.. You will be happier. California has some hidden surprises that will make you wanna.. Kill yourself

Also, your parents are kidnapped, not dead, that was sadly a false alarm. Tell your brother Tony to go save them.. They ain't gonna be happy if their favourite son and daughter ain't doin anythin! Your other two siblings can't even do anything if they wanted to!


Who the hell is this, and how do they know these things about me? How does he know I have 2 more siblings?

How do you know me, and my family?

Unknown Number:
You will find out one day, hopefully.

My hands start shaking. Are mom and dad gonna die?

No, no their not. I know their not. I will fix this, I will get them back, if Tony doesn't.

I get up from my bed and walk into the washroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I have red, puffy eyes, mascara stained cheeks and I am wearing a grey oversized shirt with some tights. I don't remember changing.. Whatever. I slowly do my normal morning routine, but I skip my make up for today. I normally only do mascara, lip gloss and winged liner, but I think I'll live with out makeup for today.

I walk into my closet with my towel wrapped around me after my shower. I grab some random clothes, I chose a black and neon pink Nike sports bra and some black shorts my MK watch and my Allison necklace. When I touch my necklace I feel a sob coming.

What if I lose them?

I bite my tongue to hold back the sobs, and walk down the stairs. I walk into my living room and see Gabi cooking.

"Where is Tony? Did he come home yet?" I ask.

"He's in his room. Want some pancakes?" Gabi asks. "By the way, mom can't make it. She is very busy with the diner and dad is in Texas opening a new diner." I nod.

"I'll have them later, thanks." I say running up the stairs. I knock lightly on the door.

"Come in." Tony groans. I slowly open the door.

"Hey Tony. I need to talk to you about something." I say. Tony was sitting on his bed, I sat next to him.

"Same Ally." He says rubbing his eyes.

"You go first." I say, he nods.

"This may be hard for you, but, mom and dad are kidnapped." Tony says with a sad expression. "When they got off the airplane, someone kidnapped them.. The police in Paris are trying to find them, but they haven't found anything yet." Tony says.

I freeze.

It's true, my parents really are in danger.. DJ was right. He did know about my parents, but how? And more importantly who is he?

"Ally, are you okay?" Tony asks shifting closer to me. I nod, as in no.

"Our parents are in.. Danger.." I say covering my mouth with my hands, letting a few tears free fall down my face.

"Ally, I am sorry I freaked out yesterday about Drew. I'll tell you only 1 thing.. He is here in the States." Tony says. I freeze.

Drew, he is here in America. I have a chance of meeting him. I can clear things out, things can go back to the way the used to be!

"Tony! Thank you so much! Your amazing, all I wanted to know was if he was still alive and doing ok, but you just gave me hope of meeting him again." I cheep wiping my tears, I hug Tony tightly.

Tony's sighs.

"I got to go, I need to care of our parents." Tony says sighing walking to the washroom. I run into my room and slam the door shut. Gabi was outside, on my porch eating her breakfast on a table outside. I run outside on to the balcony with watery eyes, I don't know what emotions I should feel. Happy or sad?

Gabi is with Kai, Chris, Val, and Alex.

"Hey Ally!" Gabi greets.

"Again?" I hiss, Alex snickers.

"Aww princess you don't want us here?" Chris fake hurts, holding his hands on his chest.

"Do not call me that." I hiss.

"How's you hand doing? That punch you threw at the wall was quite strong." Val asks.

"It's fine." I say. "Gabi, I need to talk to you."

"What happened?" Gabi asks walking closet up to me.

"Family issues. I've got bad news and good news." I say.

"What happened?" Gabi asks.

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