Chapte 23: Ignorant Bastard

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My eyes flutter open slowly. I blink a few times waiting for my pupils to adjust to the lighting.

I see the familiar chandelier, what was I doing in my bed, wasn't I at school washing my hand?

Slowly all the memories come back to me. Gabi betrayed me again, when will I find someone? When will I find someone that doesn't betray me? I'm living in a world with many people, yet no one to trust, I'm all alone. I don't wanna be alone anymore.

I turn on my side and groan. My arm, I put pressure on my bad arm. I sit up in my bed and inspect my arm. I had a white bandage stained with blood on my arm.

Wait, where's my knife and jacket? I look around the room and see the familiar metal objet on my desk and my jacket places on my bay window seat. I get up from the bed and walk over to my desk. I grab the knife, once again. It has saved my ass, Gabi would most likely not have told them about Drew and Mari while I was on the floor with a knife stuck in me.

I open the drawer and hide my knife in there. I slip on my jacket and walk downstairs. No one was downstairs. I walk to kitchen and find a note.


I placed the note back down and cuss under my breath. I wanted someone to talk to, and no ones home. I walk upstairs. I walk into my room into my closet. I look at my clothes.

I used to wear bright colours, now look at me. People think I'm always mourning, they used to tell me to tone down the happiness because it wasn't always appropriate. Now what do they tell me? Stop being so sad, try being happy. These past 5 years have just showed me the real world. In the real world, trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt and being real gets you hated. I sit down in my stool.

I study my face. My once happy tan face, has now turned into pale depressed face. My hazel eyes used to sparkle and twinkle, they lost all their shine. My brown hair used to be shiny, and silky, now it's dull and dead, like my soul.

I used to be happy, but 5 years ago.. My life came crashing down in front of my eyes. When Drew and Mari left me, so did my happiness. That night was un-forgettable. I remember it like yesterday.

One moment I was happy, the next my depression arrived and killed my happiness.

All my happiness has been drained from me. I remember my 'rebellion stage', as my mother would call it. She thinks it's gone now, but little does she know. It's not a stage, it's the real me. When I was in my rebellion stage, I was actually happy, but you know the catch now. All my happiness came to a end when Mari and Drew left, everything I enjoyed, I stopped doing. It wasn't enjoyable with out them in my life.. Nothing was. My parents got my anti-depressants, and I would just flush them down my toilet.

A mental patient can only cured with the right medication, and I was given the wrong one. I look at my very minimal makeup, it was a bit smudged and I wanted to go out somewhere. I need to get out of this hell whole, I feel claustrophobic being in my own house. I get up from my stool. I walk over to my bathroom and wash my face with some Clean and Clear face wash. I dry my face with a big white fluffy towel. I walk back into my walk in closet and sit down on the stool of the dresser. I open my drawer and grab my Naked eye shadow pallet, some mascara, wing liner and some matte red lipstick. I do a brown-orangish smokey eye, I run the mascara wand through my eyes and then very carefully do my winged liner. I put on the red matte lipstick and smack my lips together.

The Rebel, she's back.

I ripped off the badge on my arm and through it in the garbage. I grabbed a cloth and put it under water and cleaned my skin around the cut.

I grab a lacy crop top and black silky shorts, I grab some black pumps, some diamond earrings and of course my necklace, watch and jacket.

I change into my outfit and stare at that mirror. Somethings not right.

I take off my jacket, I looked better. I looked like my old self, the happy me, the innocent looking me.

It's the first time I will step out my house with out my jacket in 5 years. I take a deep breath.

This is a step to recovery, I'm gonna be happy one day, and this will help me.

I grab my black Gucci cross body and aviators. I slip them on and walk outside of my room. I close my door and run down the stairs. I grab my keys for my black Skyline and walk outside. I look the house door and walk over to my car. I unlock the door, and sit inside. I buckle my belt and turn the key. The car roars to life and I drive off. The black metal gates close as soon as I leave. I drive off to the mall to find a outfit for my birthday, every year Tony and I would go to fancy restaurant and watch a movie after.

I drove into the parking lot of the mall and it was packed! There were barely parking slots, then I saw it. A empty parking slot at the back of the parking lot. I drive a little faster to the slot and I started to-


Someone honked at me! I look in my rear mirror and see a dark blue BMW. The driver gets out and walks to my car. He was kinda, cute. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and he was muscular.

"DUDE, WHAT THE HELL! THIS IS MY SPOT! I PARKED HERE FIRST!" He growled and knocked on my tinted black windows. I rolled my eyes and rolled down the window. I placed my aviators on my head.

"Excuse me?" I ask. "I was here first, sir. I'm sure there's another parking so somewhere here. And don't you dare talk to a girl like that ever again." I snap. He looked surprised. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I hissed slamming my hand on the wheel.

"Sorry, I thought you were a boy. It's not everyday you see a girl in a Skyline." He smirks flashing me a dimple. He chuckles and I look him dead in the eye.

"Being sexist is funny to you?" I growl.

"No! No-"

"Save it." I snap rolling up my windows and parking in MY parking spot. I put my aviators back on and take off my seat belt. I grab my keys and slip them into my Channel cross body. I slip my cross body on and hold my phone in my hand.

I get out of the car and lock it.

The ignorant bastard was still standing there, this time his jaw was dropped. He was looking me up and down. His eyes were more focused on my long tan legs.

I growl and walk past him. An cold hand grips my left arm to stop me from leaving. I hiss in pain. His nails were digging into my cut. He lets go of my arm.

"So sorry!" He says staring at my arm.

"Your very rude, did you know that?" I say crossing my arms on my chest.

"I'm sorry babe." He pouts. I cringe when he says babe.

"Who gave you the right to call me babe?" I snap.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He calls. "What should I call you?" He asks.

"Ally." I snap. He nods.

"I'm Raymond, it's nice meeting you Ally." He smiles.

"Actually it was terrible! Who likes meeting a rude sexist person?!" I snap walking away.

"Hey, I'm sorry!" He shouts from a distant.

"Yea right!" I call.

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