Chaptet 18: Sweet Sweet Revenge

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Such a damn whore.

You slept with my man?! How dare you? Your such a damn bitch! Go die you hoe. -.-

Eric Sanders:
She drugged me, and slept with me. Talk about psychopath! Ugh, you disgust me!

Thirsty little hoe (:


I read over the messages once again to make sure I'm not seeing things. I am not, this is all real. My legs fail me and I fall on the floor and hear a 'thud!''. There's only one person who can fix this mess.

Chelsea Black.

Chelsea Black, is the queen of gossip. If she says anything about anyone, it's always true. She never supports anything fake, and she has her resources to find out the truth. If you wanna ruin someone's life, you always go to her. Luckily for me, she already hated Eric and Nicky because they embarrassed her older sister Tamara, and because of all the embarrassment unfortunately, Tamara moved with out a trace 5 years ago. Her family still doesn't know where she is. People say Tamara and a bunch of other teenagers ran away to Italy and formed a gang. People also say Mari and Drew were the ones who actually run the gang. I refuse to believe that they created the gang.

Being best friends with Nicky in the past has to help me ruin her life. I can use her old secrets that she told me, like she got a boob job, her nose is fake, she lost her v-card at age 14 and plenty of other things.

What? She spilled my old secrets too! But, thank god I didn't tell her much, she was the more talkative one.

I smirk. Karma is going to be my bestfriend for the first very time.

I open the door and see Kai, Chris, Val, Gabi and Alex. Alex was sitting on my bay window seat, eating my skittles with amusement lurking on his face. Gabi, Kai, Chris and Val seemed worried.

"What are you guys doing here?" I snap

"Alex let us in." Gabi says.

"We heard you singing, you were amazing! You should join a art school!" Val chirps. My smirk is smacked of my face. T-They heard me singing? I groan. Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

"We also heard you scream, are you alright?" Chris asks.

"I'm fine." I say leaning on my doorframe.

"Your scream and constant pounding wasn't saying the same thing." Gabi hiss's. "What is it? Tell us, you can always trust us."

"Gabrielle, I don't think I can ever trust you again." I say.

"Oh come on! Your not mad are you?!" She cries.

"Why are you always so oblivious? Of course I'm mad!" I growl.

"I am sorry!" She cries.

"Guys get out, I have to make a phone call." I say picking up my phone unlocking it.

"No. We are going to stay here until you tell us." Gabi says. Kai sighs, and Chris and Val nod. Alex just sits there eating my skittles. I snatch the bag out of his hands and put it on my night table. He sighs.

"Fine, stay here. I don't care. I'll deal with you guys after I make this phone call. Any of you make a noise, your dead."I say inserting Chelsea's number into the key pad. I bring the phone up to my ear, and grab the photo I found in the box of Tony, Drew, Mari, Gabi, Scar, Conner, Kylie and I, I place it on my desk next to my iMac.

"Hello?" She calls.

"Chelsea?" I ask. "It's me Alison." I say.

"Oh you! How's California?!" She asks. Oops, forgot to mention. Chelsea and I are secret friends. You know the saying, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

"It's okay. Just help me with the STD, whore situation. I'm sure you heard about it." I say avoiding the stares I get from everyone. I lean of my desk and play with the tips of my wet black hair.

"Alright babe, so first tell me. Did you or did you not drug Eric then sleep with him?" Chelsea says.

"Do you actually think I would drug him then sleep with him, or anyone after being with for a week? I have never slept with him.." I say biting my nail. "Or anyone. So I can't have STD." I add in. I hear Gabi choke and I snort. Pathetic..

"I believe you! Alright, so this STD whore situation will be under control by tomorrow.. But now for the fun part.. Do have any dirt on that bitch?"

"Of course Chelsea. Being ex-best friends with Nicky has its benefits. So first off, Nicky got a boob job, her nose is fake, she lost her virginity at 14, she watches porn, she has a tattoo that says 'Fat Mama' on it, she is balding and she wears a wig, she went to jail 2 times and she's adopted. Is that enough?"

"That's enough for now!" She chuckles. "We have to save some stuff for later right?!" She chuckles.

"Right." I smile.

"Okay Ally, I'll have this all up on my blog tomorrow! Now I got to go!" She chuckles.

"Bye Chelsea.." I say.

"Bye gorgeous!"She says then hangs up. I smirk and slip my phone in the pocket of my shorts. I look up and Alex's jaw is dropped, Gabi is choking on air, Val is holding his heart, Chris is on the floor lying down and Kai just has his eyes widened.

"What?"I snap. "The bitch deserved it."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." Kai says.

"Can you guys get out now?"I hiss. All of them flinch at my tone. Alex is the first to get up and leave, then Val, Kai, Chris then Gabi. After Gabi leaves I slam my balcony door shut and lock it. I cover the glass doors with the sheer white curtains. I see all of them hop on to Alex's balcony and I see Gabi look at me with teary eyes she waves at me and I roll my eyes and look away. I grab my Ben and Jerry's ice cream and walk downstairs. Scar was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Scar!" I say walking over to get. She sees me and smiles.

"Hey Ally. How ya feelin'?" Scar asks moving over on the black 'L' shape couch so I have room to sit down.

"I'm feeling a bit better, thank you." I say and she nods. "Sorry for running off before." I say looking at my hands in my lap ashamed.

"No, it's alright Ally. I totally understand how your feeling." She smiles. "You eating that ice cream?" She asks eyeing my creamy treat. I groan.

"Here you go." I say handing her the ice cream box and clean spoon.

"Thank you!" She says grabbing the ice cream box. I smile and watch TV.

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