Chapter 41: Girls Night Gone Wrong

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I stop in front on my black gates that were closed. I rolled down my window and inserted my fingerprint. The gates slowly opened and I drove past the the gates and parked next to my motorcycle that was outside. I got out of my car and grabbed my duffle bag, and locked my car. There were 3 other cars here, I'm not sure whose. Avery came running to my feet and I bend down and pick her up and scratch her behind the ears with my fake acrylic black matte nails. She barks and try's to lick my hand. I smile and rub her tummy. The other 3 cars pull into my drive way.

"Who's here?" Jason asks.

"I don't know." I shrug.

The door swings open and there stands Alma.

"Your home!" I squeak.

"Yes, I came home today. Your aunts and grandparents are inside waiting for you darling." She smiles.

"Okay." I say putting Avery down. She runs inside. Alma walls inside and I follow her inside and everyone follows me. I put my bag next to the door and take off my aviators and put my aviators on top of my bag. I hang up my keys and walk inside the living room and everyone from the gang stands at the doorsteps.

"Mom! Dad!" Elena squeaks running up to her parents and giving them a hug. Ellie runs to my legs and tugs on the hem of my white hoodie.

I pick her up and give her a peck on her forehead.

"Hi Ellie." I say blanching her on my hip.

"Hi Ally!" She chirps.

"Ally." Grandma says. "Me and your grandfather are moving to Paris to take care of you mother.

I put Ellie down.

"You leaving me as well?" I growl.

"Ally, you have to understand dear." Grandpa says.

"Everyone's leaving me." I say letting a tear fall from my eye. I wipe it roughly.

"Ally, it's okay." Aunt Aria says.

"My family's all gone." I say.

"We're still here." Aunt Melanie says.

"Your not my family!" I growl. "You blamed me for everything!"

"What the hell Melanie?" Aria growls. "You know non of this is her fault!"

"Really? She's the reason why Drew and Mari left! She's the reason why my sisters in a coma! She's the reason why-"

"Your daughters alive today." Uncle Max continues.

"Melanie, how dare you say that to Ally?" Uncle Harrison growls. "After all she's done for us!" He growls. "She's like a daughter to me, and you can't do that to her!"

"Not you too!" Aunt Melanie cries.

"Shut up Melanie." Aria growls.

"All I'm trying to say is Ally should let mum and dad go bcause they need to take care of Elizabeth, and Ally's responsible for Elizabeth's condition!" Aunt Melanie says.

"You can go." I say.

"What?" Grandpa says.

"Aunt Melanie is right, it's all my fault." I say.

"It's not you fault Ally." Elena says.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"At night, Alma's going to be taking care of you. Aria and Melanie may drop by at times." Grandma says.

"O-Okay." I say.

"We transferred all our property to you." Grandma says. "Our cottage, everything is yours."

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