"100 Years" Five For Fighting

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“100 Years” Five For Fighting

Heathcliff Jones walked quietly on the seashore. She wrapped her black sweater around herself. She was tired. She was always tired lately. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but even the simplest things would drain her of all her energy.

Even her normally tanned skin was pale, leaving her with a vampiresque look. Her sunken blue eyes, thin blonde hair and newly pale skin made her look sickly and tired. She hated how she looked now. But oh, well. There weren't many people that ever saw her. No friends, no family, no romantic relations. Just her. The only people she ever interacted with was with random strangers she passed on random outings.

She sniffled a bit, looking out into the pale gray ocean. She willed herself to smile, she had to attempt it a few times before she succeeded. The fact that she hardly ever smiled and she had no energy made it hard on her, so that when she did smile it came out twisted and distorted, rearranging her features in a kind of cynical way.

She took a long sigh, and looked away from the ocean. She was getting dizzy. She hated getting dizzy. She always dizzy lately…


Lots of things had been happening lately.

She rolled her head back a bit, and too tired to keep on walking, sat down, sinking into the damp and cool sand. She yawned, she was so tired. She closed her eyes, feeling the sand in between her fingers, hearing a seagull cry far away. A shadow of a smile passed her lips, disappearing almost as quickly as it had come on. She loved this feeling. The feeling of being alone, that’s the way she had always been. She never talked, no need to do so.

She laid back down on the sand and thought to herself, If there’s a God then I would like him to let me die like this- happily confused on to what I want. Here, in the beach, peaceful.

She had never been religious.

Another seagull cried somewhere too far for her to hear.

The last thing she heard was the waves crashing against the shore and sweeping back. Repeatedly.

Darkness overtook, she would never see daylight again.

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