"Good To You" Marianas Trench

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On the song, just, personally, the one with Kate Voegle is way better. It just balances out better.

It's okay. Doesn't really do the song as much justice as I'd like. But, yeah, listen to the song. It's awesome.


“Good To You” Marianas Trench

Julia spoke quietly to her cousin, Adrianna. Her voice was hoarse and Adrianna commented on it. Julia laughed hoarsely, she really did sound terrible. “Saturday, I sang all night with my brother as loud as I possibly could. Sunday morning my voice was gone.” Her voice cracked a few times and she let out a small smile.

Adrianna smiled, “I wished my brother and sister would do that with me.” She sighed through her nose.

The bell rang, dismissing them from Chemistry. They stood, throwing their books quickly into their backpacks. Julia was halfway out the door when a strong hand held her back. She was turned around and met by a chest. She had never really thought of herself as short, until that precise moment, but in reality 5’2” for a Junior in High School was quite short. She looked up and found glazed blue eyes looking down at her, they looked intoxicated yet playful. Chris smiled, “Would you like to come to my house today? After school?”

Julia bit her lip, hoarsely, she said, “Sure.”

Julia’s thoughts spread like wildfire. She didn’t know why Chris wanted her as company but she had a small crush on Chris so she let that motivate her and persuade her to say yes. She met Chris after school, or rather, Chris was waiting for her outside her classroom. She smiled warmly at him. They headed to his house in his old beat-up faded red Ford truck. He apologized for it quickly. She simply shrugged and said, “It’s a car.”

The engine was loud and the radio was filled with static. There was so much noise that it would be a bother to try and start a conversation.

Chris parked in front of a plain white house and opened the door for Julia. Something that made her smile and wish that she didn’t sound so hoarse when she said thank you. He just smiled and led her inside the house. It was really quite beautiful and

instantly she could imagine Chris living here as a child. They headed to his room where he plugged in his iPod on his dock and started looking through his music. She laughed and smiled at some of his music. They had so much of the same music, it was like they shared the same iTunes library. A song she recognized instantly started playing and she looked at him “You like this song?” she whispered, unconsciously she was trying to disturb the song as little as possible.

Instead of answering he starting singing. Soon Julia joined, even though her voice completely gave out she tried her hardest to finish. He smiled and said, “I should drive you home now?” She nodded. That was all she could do. Her small crush had definitely gotten larger.

When Chris dropped her off he looked at her and said, “Tomorrow again?” She nodded. “Wear a dress.” Not being able to ask why, Julia found it easier to just nod.

Dressed in her plain cotton white dress and her red TOMS wedges, Julia found herself without a voice sitting in Chris’s truck. They hadn’t gone to his house. Instead she had been blindfolded and led to his car. She trusted him, and went willingly. That and she couldn’t really object.

The engine and static stopped and she was helped out of the car seconds later. The ground felt unsure but other than that she had no idea where she could be. She felt Chris’s hand wrap around her own as he led her. Finally the blindfold was taken off and she found herself at the edge of a clam river. A historical park that her dad took her and her brother to, once a year. She smiled and turned to Chris. He handed her an earphone and she put it in her ear. He held her as if they were going to dance. Then suddenly music started playing from the earphone and they started dancing. He led, and twirled and spun her. The song was on repeat, and the second time around, Chris started singing.

Tears welled up in Julia’s eyes and she wished she could sing along with him. The song kept playing over and over and they kept dancing. Julia clinging on to Chris, never wanting to let go. She was happy.

“Everyone’s around, no words are coming out… And I can’t find my breath, can we just say the rest with no sound?” he sang to her.

All Julia could do was smile.

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