"Save Your Heart" Mayday Parade

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Probably one of my favorite songs from this album. I love the band. The song is amazing. They're just all-around greatness.


“Save Your Heart” Mayday Parade

I shouldn’t be here! I shouldn’t be saying this! That’s all that was running through my mind. I looked into Melanie’s dark green eyes, watery now.

Her lip quivered as she spoke shyly, “So this is it?”

I nodded, avoiding her intense gaze. Instead I concentrated on her pink lips, but that only made me regret everything. Why did I have to do this?

Because she deserves someone better.

Melanie looked away. “Is this really it, Andrew? Are we over?”

I couldn’t help but nod. “Yes, Mel. We’re… we need… I need… We shouldn’t be together.”

“Why, Andrew?” Mel’s voice was small, as if hesitant.

Why? Why was I breaking up with an angel? A single tear fell from her green eyes. I brushed it away, my fingers brushing her tender skin. God, I loved her. “I’m sorry, Mel.”

She moved away from my touch. She ran a hand through her red hair, “Please, Andrew, tell me the truth. Did you cheat?” Her hands were shaking.

I shook my head rapidly, “No, never. Mel, I love you. I never cheated.”

She threw her hands up in exasperation. “Then why this, Andrew? Why?”

I looked past her, to the lilac walls of her room. “Mel, I… I love you.”

She looked away from me, “Then why! Andrew! What the hell!”

“You deserve better.” I took a step closer, I didn’t like to see her this way. It hurt me.

She pushed me away. “Just stay away from me.”

I took hold of her upper arm and made her look at me, tilting up her chin. “Listen to me, Mel. I love you, and this is for the best.”

“If you loved me, this wouldn’t be for the best.” Mel said coldly, trying to get out of my grasp.

“It is. Please, believe me…” I pleaded.

She shook her head, “Bullshit, Andrew. Pure bull.”

“No, it’s true. You deserve so much better than me.” Her tears were causing my own eyes to water. I felt so frustrated. Couldn’t she see I wasn’t good enough?

“You’re perfect for me! We’re perfect together!” Mel argued, tears falling freely down her face.

“For how long? You’re way better, I don’t deserve you!” I was shouting now. Why couldn’t she just walk away? I needed her to walk away, I couldn’t hold up my front.

“Please, Andrew. Tell me the truth. What are you hiding?”

I couldn’t tell her though. “I’m breaking up with you.”

“No, you’re not, Andrew! You liar! What is it!” She was on her knees and I fell to mine too, crying. She held me, her voice turned soft as she stroked my hair, “Please, tell me.”

I shook my head, “Mel… I love you, please…”

“I love you too, I need to be here for you. What’s the issue?” She sounded hurt.

My chest tightened, I had hurt the one I loved the most. This whole thing was so that I wouldn’t hurt her. I’d rather take more pain than have her suffering. “Mel.”

“Andrew, please…” Her sobs racked her whole body.

I looked down, the carpet pattern was hypnotizing and it calmed me. “Mel, I’m so sorry.”

“Tell me,” she insisted.

“You deserve better.” I moaned.

“Tell me, Andrew.”

“I’m dying.” I uttered as my tears fell again. “I’m dying, Mel.”





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