"Let it Go" Blue October

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“Let It Go” Blue October

            “Anna Isabel Perez, do you take William Zackery Blackwood as your wedded husband- in sickness and in health?” The priest’s tenor voice boomed, echoing off the Spanish style church.

            “I do.” Anna said, tears brimming in her eyes.


            Everything for once was perfect. Anna’s life seemed more than complete. If she were to die tomorrow her only regret was that she wouldn’t get to spend her life with Wiliiam. To bear his child and eventually hug her grandchildren, those would be her regrets. If she were to die, she would be content. Life had always been hardship after hardship; it would always be that way- since the time of dinosaurs and cavemen to the future. But in the end, life rewarded everyone. Life rewarded its players with the happiness of love.


            Their wedding song started playing and William looked lovingly into Anna’s eyes as he took her hand. Together they headed to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he put his own arms around her waist.

            “Anna…” He murmured, trying to communicate how much he loved her through his blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed the Latin beauty. The kiss was tender and quick. The kiss intensified all the feelings Anna felt at that moment- the radiant happiness and joy.

            She felt loved.

            They started to twirl in circles, looking like no one had ever experienced the type of love they had. To them, no one had.

            She moved her dark eyes to the floor in embarrassment. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her; however, this time the looks were different. Anna didn’t feel judged. Her faced heated up and she was thankful her skin was tanned and the red wouldn’t show and give away her feelings of embarrassment.

            William took a hand away from her waist. He placed it under chin and titled her face up. “Don’t look down, you’re beautiful.”

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