"California" MetroStation

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I know, MetroStation... Sad. But... yeah.


"California" MetroStation

Calix laid in bed with the girl of his dreams. They were just friends though, they had tried to ignore the sexual attraction over and over again. Last night they had failed.

 Calix loved Jimi with all his heart, Jimi did too, although she denied it again and again. She didn't want to be in love, she said, because her cousin was also in love with Calix. Unrequited love, yes, but love nevertheless.

 Sadly, Calix got out of bed and got dressed. He knew that after last night his and Jimi's friendship would be no more. He grabbed his acoustic and started strumming. The rain that hadn't stopped for three days, and hanged over Seattle, seemed heavier today, as if sharing his sadness. He hated being so close to Jimi and not being supposed to touch her and love her, like he wanted to. To kiss her and comfort her and hold her close. That's all he wanted, and it was too much to ask, apparently. He wanted to hold her hand and scream that he was in love.

 He strummed, humming soft, "I love you's." Jimi stirred and looked at him with her dark eyes. Tears had collected in her eyes, spilling over. Calix brushed them away. He hated to see her cry, it made him sad.

 "Let's leave." he said quietly.

 "Where?" her single word was distorted by sobs.

 "I dunno." he shrugs. He didn't feel that was the important factor.

 Jimi nods. "I can't handle it anymore, Calix." She stands up, she slipped on some clothes and grabs her backpack. She throws her clothes into it. Soon enough she was packed and had somehow also packed for Calix. She throws her keys at him and he caches them, shocked. She was going along with this...

 Calix shakes his head, trying to get out of her trance. He stands and grabs the bags. She follows him out to the car and they start on their journey.

 It wasn't till hours later when he says, "Let's go to California."

 She smiles truly for the first time in months. Glad to be in the company of the one she loves. She smiles bigger and wider when they pass a sign that said "Welcome to California". Just then Calix's ringtone plays and looking at Jimi he throws it out the window. She looked back to see it shatter into what seemed like a million little pieces. They looked like little ants overtaking the highway, she smiled at that.

 "Welcome to California!" she screamed.

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