"A Little Piece Of Heaven" Avenged Sevenfold

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I love this song because it just reminds me of like puppets and theatre, and I don't know, it's great.

Enjoy. :)


“A Little Peace of Heaven” Avenged Sevenfold

            I was trapped.

            I knew that much.

            And yet, it wasn’t enough. All the questions were slowly floating around my head, almost playing some sort of bittersweet melody.

            I couldn’t breathe, the smell of wood was overpowering. My heart seemed to pound obnoxiously loud in my ears but there was this odd thought in the back of my head that told me that it wasn’t my heart.

            It wasn’t my heart.

            I tried to move my mouth- to scream, to bite my lip. Nothing. I couldn’t do anything.

            I was fucking stuck.

            I tried to take a deep calming breath, but the smell of clean wood made me feel dizzy and surreal.

            There was a sharp pain in the back of my neck. Like someone was digging a nail into my neck, slowly and carefully, trying to prolong the process.

            I wanted to scream my head off, all that I could do was utter a small gasp.

            All in my head though.

            It had to be, right? It had to be all in my head.

            This was a fucking nightmare.

            That was it. I was dreaming.

            I seemed to have reassured myself because the pain seemed to have been numbed, only a small bother now- like an itch.

            I shuddered a bit and moved my eyes around a bit (seeming as my neck was unresponsive). I needed help.

            Why wouldn’t anyone help me?

            Didn’t they see me? Couldn’t they see the pleading in my eyes? Why was I suddenly nothing?

            What had I done to deserve this?

            What hadn’t I done to deserve this?

            I looked down, ashamed. I knew of all the things I had done.

            And that’s when I realized what had happened.

            I wasn’t me.

            I wasn’t McKenzie Sully anymore. There was no way this was real though, there was just no way. I couldn’t… This couldn’t.

            How could I not be me anymore?

            There was just no fucking way.

            I felt the tears start to slip my eyes.

            They weren’t tears though, it was all in my head. That’s how it had to be- this nightmare- too, right? This nightmare was all in my head. Soon enough I’d wake up, sweaty in bed, and realize that I had to be a better person and all that stuff. That was logical enough, right? That was the truth, right? Because this wasn’t possible.

            I closed my eyes, at least in my head I did.

            God, I was going insane.

            When I wake up I will return to reality. This will forever be a nightmare and nothing more. Just a nightmare. Now open your eyes, McKenzie. It’s a nightmare. Everything’s okay now.

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