"We Are Broken" Paramore

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“We Are Broken” Paramore

            Amethyst walked among the ruins. Her pale blonde hair blew behind her, the wisps getting caught in the harsh wind. Her pale blue eyes looked almost colorless as they widened and took in their surroundings.

            Her breath starts coming in little gasps, she’s terrified that she was the cause of this destruction. Had she lost control? Her eyes traveled down to her hands, looking through the translucent skin and into every clear green vein. The veins spread throughout her hands like intertwining highways. How could such innocent and weak looking hands cause such a disaster? How could she have done this? Even if it was in a fit of blind hate, how could she do this?

            Amethyst frail body started to shake, as if the devil himself had possessed her. She didn’t want to believe that it was her… there had to be some sort of explanation for these ruins, someone else rather than her. There had to be.

            But glancing around, there was no one- just her, fires, smoke, and death.

            Amethyst mouth dropped open, a distorted and inhuman scream coming out; it vibrated and echoed off of nothing. The dead body’s seemed to rock a bit with it, as if it were an earthquake rather than a scream. The smoke blew in opposite directions, chased away by the scream. The fire crackled underneath, getting louder and trying to overpower the scream.

            Small tears fell down Amethyst porcelain cheeks. She falls on her knees, her white dress stained with blood and burned around the edges. It spills around her like a blanket. At that moment she looks more than beautiful, she looks unearthly. She looks like a broken angel.

            “I did this,” she murmurs, but it seems to shout back at her. “I did this.” Her words were louder now, more powerful, as if she had accepted the facts.

            Her blue eyes looked around, the pupil enlarging drastically until all anyone could see was black orbs centered in the white of the eye.

            Every body laid broken in heaps of limbs. Some bodies were on fire, the black smoke rising gently and gracefully to the clear, blue sky. The sky… so unaffected by all of this.

            Wishing she could turn around and just drown in her tears, Amethyst took a step closer to some nearby dead bodies. She glanced at the top one in the pile. It was just a head, nothing more. It had slight freckles splattered across the bridge of his nose. His eyes were open, wide and haunting, and were a deep blue color. His brown hair was matted to his scalp, sticky with blood- whether his owns or someone else’s.

            “I did this?” Amethyst wasn’t so sure. Surely she couldn’t be this evil? How could she have killed all these people? How could she have been so ruthless? They didn’t deserve this… no one deserved this.

Except her.

Laying under the head was another body, a girl with pretty orange hair. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful. Her foot was broken and rested at an odd angle. Her ankle was covered in blood and twice the size of a normal one. An anklet was straining against the swollen ankle. Amethyst’s shaky fingers reached over, ripping out the anklet in one quick swipe. She studied it for a bit, odd little pieces of glass hanged from the string.

She ran the tip of her fingers along the glass.

She had to find a way to die. No one deserved life less than her.

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