"Hatef*ck" The Bravery

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Freakin' great band. It's sad that they're not more famous. They're amazing.


“Hatef*ck” The Bravery

Sam watcher her. His dark hair fell on to his face, not obscuring his vision like everyone though it did, but letting him stare at her without anyone knowing.

His dark eyes watcher her every move. She was a twitchy little thing. Under the football field’s lights her hair shone a like the gold from a sunset. Her green eyes matched the color of the football field.

He noticed how she put her saxophone up to her mouth, and he bit his lip. The innocent movement seemed to tease him; to him it was so sexual. During the entire first half, he watched as she listened to the instructor’s orders and how her big doe-like eyes followed the football game with close inspection and a tinge of curiosity.

He knew he shouldn’t be watching her; it wasn’t just a creep move, but if his girlfriend found out she’d have him hanged. He rolled her eyes as he watched the preppy bitch he called his girlfriend, cheer along with all the other sluts. He let his eyes wander back to the girl with the saxophone.

Sam’s feelings were mixed. He didn’t know if he liked her or not… The way she held herself made him think she was a brat. She held herself with such composure and confidence that it was almost revolting. He didn’t like that she wasn’t fake and insecure. He didn’t like that her eyes were deep and soul-searching. That they seemed to look right through any outer shell and right into the deepest depths of anyone’s soul. He didn’t like that she didn’t acknowledge him. He didn’t like that she was so prideful.

The buzzer went off, and Sam, along with the rest of the pep band turned to the instructor in an almost simultaneous movement. The instructor gave directions and excused the members.

Sam made his way down the bleachers and cut across the field. He watched her as she walked up ahead. Her walk seemed to ooze with self-confidence. They reached the band room, and putting away his instrument, headed out.

He had thought that he wouldn’t see her again, that night. But there she was, drinking from a water fountain. She held her blonde hair away from the trickling stream of cool water. She looked up and for a moment, Sam could swear that their eyes met. The moment was broken quickly, as she turned and walked away.

Sam swore under his breath. He didn’t like the way his heart jumped- as if it had been dead all along and know lived. He didn’t like the way his stomach dropped past his knees and made him feel uneasy.

Without realizing what he was doing he called out to her, “Hey!”

She didn’t hesitate in her movements. She turned around, her eyes were like emeralds in the darkness. Her voice was cold as ice and polite, “Yes?”

As that simple word was spoken, Sam’s heart melted; his feelings to her were decided. His mouth opened but no words came. Not because he was shocked she had spoken, he knew she would speak. He just hadn’t thought of what to say. He had acted on impulse, and it showed.

“Yes?” she repeated the single word. It sliced through the air like a knife.

If anyone was to ask Sam why he said what he said next, he wouldn’t respond. He wasn’t sure why he said it. “Is that all you know, yes?” He said yes in a mocking tone, a tone that was supposed to resemble her voice, except it came out rude and harsh.

“No.” she said, her lips in a tight line. “Is that good enough.” She spoke quickly, her voice like a snake’s hiss.

Sam just looked at her. His hair, for once, was away from his face, revealing his lustful eyes. Her eyes were just as cold and detached. They didn’t hesitate to stare right back.

“What’s your problem?” her voice was heartless.

“What’s your problem?” He asked, trying to mimic her tone.

She raised one eyebrow, and then she turned and walked away. For three hypnotizing seconds, he watched her walk. Her hips swayed in the most natural way, it was enchanting. Then his reflexes kicked in, and he followed. He hurried to catch up to her, wrapping her arms around her small waist, he whispered in her ear, “Am I creep for following you?”

Sam could feel her stiffen under my touch. She didn’t respond, and Sam leaned in to her earlobe and rested his lips against them. Her breathing hitched slightly, but only noticeable enough for someone who was paying attention. Sam’s lips pucker as he kissed her earlobe.

She turned suddenly, taking Sam out of the euphoric experience. Her eyes were cold and sinister. “Get. Away. From. Me.” Each word was one in it’s own. She’s shaking; giant trembles from her knees to her hands.

Sam grabbed her shoulders, “Stop.” His voice held authority.

Her lips were suddenly on his. They were hungry; for a bit, Sam was too shocked to react fully, only bothering to match his lips to hers. But then he realized what was happening and he reacted. He took over. Teasing her, he went to her neck, setting small butterfly kisses all over. She wasn’t weak though, she tore at his hair, pushing their bodies as close as humanly possible.

Sam ran his fingers through her blonde hair, liking the way it felt as it passed through his fingers. It was soft and smelled heavenly. He pulled at it a bit, liking the way she gasped in pain when he did. She retuned the pulling, but Sam wasn’t as weak as her, he didn’t make a sound.

He lifted her up, pushing her up against the red lockers. The school hallway was eerily quiet, although there was the buzz of students, which reminded Sam of a television turned barely above mute.

She wrapped her legs around Sam’s waist. His six foot frame would easily tower over her small barely five foot frame. She kissed him hungrily, her kisses seemed to ask for more.

Sam’s eyes opened, taking in her beautiful face. His breathing hitched, whether it was from all the kissing or from her beauty, was unknown.

Suddenly his dark brown eyes were looking into two emeralds.

The dark green color took his breath away.

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