"Dear Lucian, Dance Forever" Go Radio

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“Dear Lucian, Dance Forever” Go Radio

            Lucy felt the music pulse within her. She had never really been a dancer; rather she had always swayed awkwardly while the others had pressed against her. But today, today something was different.

            Today she just wanted to dance and let go. Dance like she did in her room when a song just made her want to burst into dance.

            And that’s exactly what Lucy did. She grabbed her friends hand and started moving along with him. Spinning in circles and throwing her hands up in the air.

            She felt the smile on her lips, and knowing it was genuine, Lucy’s heart warmed. She felt great.

            Casey, her friend, disappeared into the crowd, but Lucy didn’t really care. There was so many bodies everywhere it was no wonder they had gotten separated.

            Knowing she probably looked like an idiot, Lucy continued dancing. It felt great to let everything go.

            “We graduated!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Even then, it wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the heavy bass. “Woo-hoo-hoo!” She giggled like a little girl. She was ecstatic. There was no way the night could be better.

            It was perfect as it was.

            She twirled again. Lucy ignored the fact that her dress was raising a bit and that everyone around her was kind of grinding on someone else. Lucy would rather dance freely.

            “Everything alright, Lucy?” She didn’t hear Lenny speak to her; instead she read his lips, momentarily not bobbing her head.

            “Great!” She shouted, he hadn’t heard her, but he knew what she had said.

            Lucy continued dancing, her high heels bothering her she threw them off into the crowd. She laughed a bit maniacally and Lenny shot her another questioning glance, which Lucy ignored. She grabbed Lenny’s hands and started twirling herself around.

            Lenny swayed awkwardly from side to side, much like Lucy always did.

            “Dance!” Lucy screamed, not loud enough to be fully heard but just loud enough for it to reach an awkward Lenny.

            She twirled around. Lenny was still swaying from side to side.   

            The lights were flashing, bathing everything in an eerie glow, it made everyone seem pale and sweaty. Everyone was sweaty, despite the wind outside.

            “Woo!” Lucy shouted over the thumping beat of the music. “Lenny dance.” She scolded a bit, grinning and flailing her arms like a maniac.

            “You’re scaring me.” Lenny muttered, trying to let go of his sister’s hands.

            “You need to relax.” Lucy leaned in, so that Lenny could hear her. “Let go, Lenny. Have some fun!”

            Lenny tried moving a bit, dancing a bit wildly. Everything still seemed forced though. He looked awkward trying to dance in his khaki’s. Lucy figured she probably looked stupid dancing too; but again, she didn’t care.

            “Take her away from me.” Lenny said when Casey reappeared. He looked a lot more normal and natural dancing. Not like awkward Lenny or wild Lucy. He looked like he should be dancing.

            Casey took Lucy’s hands and dragged her away from a slightly-scared Lenny. He’d never seen his sister look that hyped up before. It was odd. Lucy continued to dance with random people on the way out.

            Casey took her into the brightly lit kitchen. Lucy squinted a few times, still spinning around, the music wasn’t as loud in here but it was still loud enough so that she could dance.

            Casey placed his hands on Lucy’s shoulders. “Stop, Lucy.”

            She would have kept dancing, except his hold on her was strong and she really couldn’t. She opened her eyes, to find herself staring straight at Casey’s deep green ones. He shook his head a bit, trying to move his hair; it was pointless it fell on the same exact spot. Lucy giggled a bit.       

            “Are you drunk, Lucy?” Casey said, disbelief written on his face.

            “Sh!” Lucy said, trying to dance again.

            “Lucy, you were supposed to be the designated driver! I drank too!” Casey scolded.

            “Sh!” Lucy said, louder this time. “Lenny can drive.” She whispered it as if it were a secret.

            Casey shook his head, muttering about being irresponsible; he loosened his grip on Lucy and she took the opportunity to start twirling and flailing her limbs everywhere.

            “Whoa, there. Hold steady.” Casey said, when she almost fell over a set up table. Lucy giggled and Casey sighed, rolling his eyes. “Drunks.”

            Lucy’s eyes met Casey’s and suddenly they were attached at the lips.

            “I love you.” The words were slurred out of Lucy’s mouth. She wasn’t sure if she meant them or not.

            “I love you too.” Casey murmured against her lips.

            Lucy shrugged. Tonight was about letting go.

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