"The Sky Could Fall Tonight" Amber Pacific

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“The Sky Could Fall Tonight” Amber Pacific

            The midnight sky was an ink blue and illuminated by golden stars and a yellow moon. I bet I looked sickly pale in the moonlight. I knew my light red hair stuck to my forehead and scalp in sweaty clumps.

            Nervous was an understatement.

            Karlee stood before me; her long, violet hair, which usually flowed around her, was in a tight French braid that ran down her spine. Her usual white floor-length dress had been traded for a skin tight black jumper of sorts. She looked over at me, her baby blue eyes shone and looked bigger than usual. There was a wicked smile on her face.

            “War.” She murmured, the excitement leaking everywhere.

            I nodded shakily and managed a small, fake smile. “Karlee…”

            “Nick!” She smiled widely. “Aren’t you excited?”

            To die? Not really. I shook my head, “I feel queasy.”

            Karlee took my hand and smiled at me, “Everything will be alright, Nick. We’ll win.”

            Yeah, that’s what the German’s thought for both World War’s. They hadn’t necessarily won. “And if we don’t?”

            “Don’t be so negative.” Karlee muttered, squeezing my hand. Nothing could bring her spirits down. She was so hyped up about the war, just like everybody else. “We’re gonna crush those Nazaar’s and bring home a victory.”

            “I wish I was a little boy.” I murmured. All I really wanted was to be home and feel safe in my mother’s arms.

            Karlee rolled her blue eyes, “C’mon Nick! And miss all the action? I think not.”

            “I think so, yes.” The action? More like the mass murdering that were soon to happen.

            She smiled at me, not taking me seriously. She grinned and stretched out the hand that wasn’t holding on to mine. “Look, Nick.” Light pink fire flew out of her hand and caught a tree on fire, burning it to the floor before it disintegrated. “There’s no way we can lose against those damn Nazaar’s.”

            I shook my head, “No, Karlee. They have powers too. They have powers twice as extraordinary as ours.”

            She rolled her eyes playfully. “With a water-bender like you there’s no way we’ll lose. C’mon show me.”

            I shook a bit, I wasn’t very good. My element was water, which meant I was calm, unlike my ancestors I couldn’t create an ocean out of a teardrop; I couldn’t walk on water; I couldn’t put out fire; I couldn’t do anything. “I’m not good, Karlee.”

            She let go of my hand and motioned for me to try.

            I stuck out a clammy hand, waiting for something. How were you supposed to feel? How were you supposed to summon your powers? “I… I can’t.”

            Karlee rolled her eyes, “You’re not trying, Nick.”

            “I am.” I said, ashamed.

            Karlee took my hand and turned my head to look at her. We were the exact same height. “Look, Nick.” She turned my head to the fireworks off ahead. “It’s starting. Stick by me, kay? I’ll help you.”

            “I’m gonna get us both killed.” I knew it was true. I was going to be the death of us. We’d be the first to fall.

            “Then we’ll die together.” Karlee said, kissing me on the cheek.

            I blushed, “I love you, Karlee.”

            Karlee looked at me, and nodded. “I love you too, Nick.”

            She didn’t mean it the way I did.

            As we walked out towards the fireworks I knew we were soon to be dead. Dead together.

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