"Heavy In Your Arms" Florence + The Machine

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“Heavy In Your Arms” Florence + The Machine

            Kira tried to hold on to her life, to her love. But she felt herself slipping away. Slowly, but surely, the darkness was taking over. It was gripping at her from all sides, pulling at her and stretching her. It was making her disappear. It was making her tired.

            Yet, she was trying to fight it. She needed to remain awake, if only for the only one who would weep her death. She needed to stay awake for him, for Sebastian.

            But the darkness was too heavy for her to handle. She felt herself smiling into it, welcoming it. She knew she had to fight, but was it worth it? Sebastian would move on…

            And just like that, she was gone.

            Her heart monitor became a constant beep. Nurses rushed in, followed my doctors. She felt herself floating, leaving her body behind. It was painful, but soon she was free and she felt light and happy. She floated above, not sure what to do. Kira looked down, looking at Sebastian and the doctors who tried to bring her back to life.

            She felt a surge of electricity run through her, it was reaching for her, trying to bring her down- back to the pain. She couldn’t move away from it. But it soon stopped.

            A doctor turned to Sebastian, “I’m sorry…”

            Kira wasn’t sure if he meant it. Was he sorry? He didn’t even know her? It was more like he was sorry that he had to be there, that he had to be the one delivering the news. But he wasn’t exactly sorry that she was dead… or was he?

            Kira moved on, not really caring to stick around. She didn’t particularly care about what they did to her body. It was, apparently, disposable.

            Kira moved towards the window, looking out into the sea of cars below. A siren wailed in the distance, piercing her as the sound waves traveled through her and enveloped her in a too-tight hug.

            “Kira!” Sebastian’s voice dragged Kira back to the room. The sound waves vibrated around the room, shouting Kira’s name over and over in a never-ending echo. She looked at Sebastian, who was by the body’s side, holding on to a sick arm. “Please, Kira… wake up.”

            The sight was heart-wrenching, it almost made her want to return to her body and comfort Sebastian. She almost did, but she remembered the pain. She hated the pain. She didn’t want to return to it. No matter what. Sebastian would suffer a bit, but he’d move on.

            No one had ever stuck around for long anyways.

            She was surprised when he was no longer there. He was gone.

            Just like everybody else…

            But she wanted to follow him, if only for a second. She wanted to make sure he was at least okay. She floated out, spotting him. She rushed towards him, floating by his side.

            He ended up going towards the shore, sitting in the sand.

            Kira smiled slightly. He’d be okay, she reassured herself. She started moving away, floating gently by the lake.

            It was mostly desolate, except for a few random people walking about.

            Bye, Sebastian. Kira thought as she headed towards the river. She hadn’t been in the lake in a while, not since her parent’s death.

            They had never found the bodies.

            Without a second thought Kira launched herself into the lake. Sinking herself as deep as she could; looking for anything faintly resembling bodies.

            She almost didn’t notice him.

            Sebastian was slowly sinking to the bottom, not fighting- just letting himself go. She couldn’t watch him do that.

            She floated over, but it was useless.

            She was useless.

            How could she ever help? She was nothing.

            And so she watched, she watched Sebastian sink.

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