"Live Like We're Dying" Kris Allen

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I like this song, the artist is okay I guess. It's a bit funny that he ended up winning American Idol yet the runner-up is like ten times more famous.

Anyways, I hope you like it.


“Live Like We’re Dying” Kris Allen

Kane walked out of the office, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. There hadn’t been a day where he hadn’t doubted himself. Everyday he lived with the fear that she was wrong. That she was disappointed. That he was failing.

But today was different.

Today he had received the title of Kane Johnson, Vice President. It was such a happy day. If his life was a musical, Kane was sure he’d burst out singing. The sun shone brightly, even though it was the middle of December, and the birds chirped, thinking it was springtime.

Sasha would have loved a day like this. She would have smiled and congratulated him.

Unlike every other time that he thought of Sasha, his smile didn’t disappear. It didn’t even falter. His brain didn’t torment him, like every other time; his heart didn’t squeeze at just the thought of her. No, he was one hundred percent happy. Something he hadn’t been in a long, long, time.

He had succeeded. He had accomplished what she had known all along he would.

----------------- Three Years Ago --------------------

Sasha Morrison laid in the hospital bed. Outside the rain fell heavily. Sasha loved the rain, she was glad that if she had today the world would be washed clean. Hopefully, her parents would see the rainbow after the storm and know that Sasha was okay. She hoped to be okay…

Hopefully her parents would know she was smiling to them from wherever she was at. Maybe once she was gone her parents could adopt a child like Sasha had been urging them to do. She heard voices outside the door, they faded quickly. Sasha guessed they were nurses, gossiping. That’s all they did here. Gossip about anybody. They needed to live. Sasha knew she would live if she could. She wouldn’t be stuck here. She’d dance in the rain, go find adventure, do something.

But everybody realizes it too late. They realize all the potential life has as they’re lying in a hospital bed, facing death.

Returning to her previous thoughts, she reach over, ignoring how much pain it caused her. She grabbed her notebook and tore a page out. With her blue ink pen she wrote the simple word: Adopt. Even that one word took the most out of her. She was way too tired. They’d understand, though.

She knew she couldn’t hold on much longer. But she had another affair to accomplish before she said goodbye. Before she closed her eyes for good. With all the energy she could muster, she grabbed the telephone and pressed the numbers she had been memorizing, but had always been too afraid to dial. She panted, things really took a toll on her. It was a bit scary, at first, but she was used to it. She tried to fake it sometimes, it freaked her parents the most- her, not having energy.

It picked up on the second ring, “Hello?” a voice answered.

“Kane?” her voice was raspy, it held a happy undertone though.

She was in so much pain. She tried to reassure herself, telling herself it would be over soon. She would overcome the pain and be numb. Numbness was what she needed.

“Yes, who is this?” the voice asked. Sasha could tell it had recognized all the weakness in her voice. It sounded worried.

“Sasha Morrison, Kane. It’s Sasha… I…” she knew it was time. She had to tell him, though. “I believe in you.”

On the other side, Kane listened as the beep beep beep turned into bbbbeeeeeppppp. As footsteps, shouts and then sobs came. And then finally the line went dead.

I believe in you.

I believe in you.

I believe in you.

No one had ever said that. Not his teachers or fellow peers (as he had no friends). Not his drunk mother or his racist, crazy father. Not his druggie brother. No one had ever said that.

Sasha Morrison believed in him, Kane Johnson.

He looked outside and saw the heavy rain had stopped. A small rainbow glazed the sky. He couldn’t help but smile, “I’ll make you proud, Sasha.”

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