"Ask Her To Dance" Coconut Records

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“Ask Her to Dance” Coconut Records

            Michelle laughed along with the rest of the crowd. These were the last few days of high school. Soon, she’d graduate, and then move away; hopefully to San Francisco. She was supposed to be smiling, right? Supposed to be happy that she was having fun, right? But she wasn’t exactly sure if she was having fun.

            Her best friend, Jordan, took her hand and threw it up, waving them in the air. Michelle took a sharp breath when Jordan made contact. Her skin broke out in goosebumps, and shivers ran down her spine. She shivered in her dress. Jordan released the hand and kept dancing, oblivious to Michelle’s reactions.

            “I think I’m gonna go out…” Michelle muttered. She knew no one had heard, she hadn’t expected anyone to hear. Instead, Michelle turned away from her friends and jammed her way through the packed dance floor. The beats from the DJ and the bright lights were making her feel sick.

            She made her way out to the hotel lobby and sat down in one of the chairs. It was completely empty. She took deep, calming breaths, ignoring the vibrations of the music.

            “Calm down, Michelle.” She murmured to herself. “It was nothing. None of it means anything.”

            “Talking to yourself?” A voice asked. A familiar voice. A voice belonging to Jordan.

            Michelle’s whole stomach dropped. She wasn’t exactly sure why though. Was it because Jordan had heard or because Jordan was there?

            Jordan blinked once and sat next to Michelle, bumping their thighs together. “What’s wrong?”

            Lying seemed like the best option, but Michelle couldn’t find it in herself to lie. She didn’t want to lie. She just wanted to come out with it- to scream it to the world. She sank back against the leather sofa and Jordan followed suit. “It’s all going so fast… you know…”

            Jordan nodded. “It is, isn’t it?”

            Michelle sighed and looked over at her best friend, their eyes meeting for a split second, before Michelle looked away, embarrassed.

            “Are you mad at me?” Jordan asked; Jordan’s eyes were worried.

            Michelle sighed and shook her head, “No. It’s just… I’m scared.”

            Jordan’s head shook back and forth, “There’s nothing to be scared of, Michelle.”

            Michelle nodded, happy that Jordan was at least… a friend. “I’m glad we’re friends.”

            “Do you love me?” Jordan’s words were unexpected and shocked Michelle into silence. “Do you love me?” Jordan was moving closer.

            Michelle swallowed, “I- uh, I… as a friend.” Lie.

            Jordan nodded, “I know the truth. Want to dance?”

            Michelle nodded, getting up. “You’re wrong,” she said. “I don’t love you.”

            Jordan smiled, and winked. Jordan’s lips moved towards Michelle’s and brushed hers. “No, you’re wrong. You love me.”

            Michelle nodded in a daze.

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