Chapter 43: 'Dream'.

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(Your p.o.v, your 'dream')

I was in the sea. Clearly, I was able to breath in water as I was not wearing any breathing mask.Already knowing I was dreaming, I wondered in the ocean, looking at the fishes and occasional sharks passing by.

Suddenly, I felt a cold skinny hand grab my foot and drag me deep inside the sea. I struggled to get out of the grip but in vain.

Bubbles of air escaped my mouth as I screamed. The light slowly faded away and I was left into sheer darkness.

The hand dragged me into the sand and I landed on wood. Panting, I looked at myself hurriedly. The hand was gone but I was still soacked wet. I looked around. I was in what seemed to be a mansion.(The Sakamaki mansion!!! Sorry XD)

As I was freezing, I approached the nearby fire and that's when I noticed a woman sitting on the nearby rocking chair. At first, I backed away but then found out she could not see me. She was braiding the hair of a little girl who was sitting on her lap.

I got up and decided to investigate on this wierd dream. As I wondered through the halls, a little boy with spiky black hair ran out of a room, shouting joyfully. Soon after, a man rushed out of the same room. His face was covered with jam. I smiled at the scene.

I countinued my trip in the mansion. The first room I entered was the kitchen. There, the same girl and woman I saw before were baking a cake.

Confused, I looked back in the corridor and noticed it was rather dark compared to just before I entered the room. I concluded that each room had a specific period of the day or even life. '

Hmm... This seems...familiar' I thought. All those scenes seemed to have some connection with my memories. I then realised this wasn't a dream. It was a flashback.

I entered another room. This time, I only saw the woman and the man. She was weeping on her bed and the man had his arms around her shoulder, trying to comfort her. I tried to approach the couple to see what was happening but I could not. It was as if something was blocking the memory. I decided to stay in the room until they moved so I find out what was happening but the scene kept repeating.

Finally, I left the room and entered what seemed to be an office. There, the woman was sitting in front of the desk, writing I don't know what. I tried to approach the woman again and this time, it worked. She was writting a letter.

I gasped when I finished reading what she wrote. It was the letter I found out the other . The one talking about me and Beyond. So, this means that woman is my mother. The other must surely be my father. The boy was Beyong and the girl

Wait, how can I see these scenes? Right now, I'm not on the house. So it means this is not a flashback. Nor is it a dream. Ugh, what is it then?!

I looked around to see if there was anyone else. No one. Then suddenly, I was met by a giant monster. It had long metal strips which no eyes but a leaking black liquid. There were stiches all around its body and its head was covered with metal. Its body was only made of skeletons and torn cloths.

I gasped and stepped back. The creature janded me its hand with a pleading look. I looked at it and back at the creature. 'Should I really go?' I wondered.

I finally held its hand and he pulled my out of the mansion. "Where are you taking me?" I managed to say despite my fear. He ingnored me and lifted me on its back. My eyes widened when I saw enormous wings coming out of its back. They started to move and we flied up in the air. I fractically screamed and closed my eyes.

When I no more felt like I was in the air, I slightly opened my eyes to see we were on plain and firm ground.

However, something was strange. I've never seen a place like this before. There was a white foam on the ground was extremely dry. I examined the place carefully and, to my utter shock, there were other monsters.

The one who braught me here dragged me again. We arrived in front of a huge circle. He sat down and patted the place next to me. I sat next to him.

The huge circle lit up and I saw the little gi- no. I saw myself. I was playing with Beyond. Mom and dad seemed not to be here.

The door suddenly cracked open and my fake mother could be seen. She covered each of our mouthes and started to drag us.

I countinued watching, 100% attentive. I found my younger self doing something incredible. I raised my hand and did the act of choking someone.

Immediately, the woman let me go and used that hand to bold on her neck. I lifted my hand and she was lifted too. By that time, she  barely had a good grip on beyond.

But then, something pinned me to the ground. It was my fake father. My fake mom fell to the ground and at once gasped for air. Beyond tried to escape but she reacted soon enough to not let him go.

They dragged us to a car where we were blindfolded and taken to a basement. There, they tied us to a chair in different rooms. Everyday, they would perform experiment on us.

One day, though, Beyond finally escaped but some poeple braught him to an Orphanage. But it was not any Orphanage. It was the Wammy Orphanage.

He was stuck there for 9 years.
Meawhile, I had been moved to L.A. My mom had the accident and became paralysed. This caused my dad to leave her. I seemed to have completely forgotten about my real parents or even my power. And life went and on like this...

I felt tears trickle down my cheek. I looked at the creature and whispered a thank you. It handed me a black notebook with the words 'death note' on it. I took it.

"That's why I did not answer you earlier. You need to touch the death note if you want to hear me. "What is this?" I asked pointing at the notebook.

He explained me each and every thing about the death note. I was really a powerfull weapon.

"Now, you must go. I have told you everything you need to know." He said as he stood up. I quickly stood up too. "Wait, you haven't told me how I found the death not and I don't even know your name!" He smiled. "Its you and only you who must find out how. But I guess I can tell you me name. Its Draknar."

His wings appeared from his back and he flew to I don't know where. I seddenly felt myself going more and more tired until finally, I let sleep consume myself.

(A/n: Wow, you dream a lot! Anyways, hope you enjoy the next chapter too!)

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