Chapter 19

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When I Get home I see My Mom and all her friends. I Text with Carla for minutes. Then I hear my phone ring. When I turn it on I see I had received a Strangers Message. I read the message and it said "Hello Sammy. I wonder if Ricky is alright😂😂."

I quickly go in my room and check if Ricky is there. After 5 minutes of looking for Ricky I get scared and tell my mom. "Mom Do you know where's Ricky" I say. "Are you serious Sammy He is right here next to me" She says giving the Duh Face. I Look next to my mom and then I see My little Angel there sleeping.

Still I kept thinking about the message I got. I Know It was a Message that was Not that weird,But still why will anyone ask that. I spend Minutes on Instagram, Tumblr, And Snapchat. Then Again I get a message from the same person But know It said something Really Really weird. The message said "Hi Samantha Wanna Play Psycho Killer."

I quickly go to Aidens house again and knock on It. When He opens I Run inside Close the door,Lock the door, And go to his room. "Um Sam Something wrong" He asks. I say yes. I Grab my phone and sow him the messages. "Aiden I am Scared" I say. He hugs me with one arm and I hug him back.Then He looks at me and Says that we should call the police. I disagree. I knew it couldn't be Elizabeth because she was in jail already. So Who was it. While we where there standing. I Suddenly remembered He told me He fosters puppies. "Aiden Remember you told me you foster dogs" I say then he nods. "Can I see them" I ask. He smiles and grabs my hand. Then He takes me to the basement. I thought basements where dirty,old,and covered in spider webs, but Aidens was different. His was clean and In one corner there where puppies.

I run to them like I was going to hug My dad and start petting them. I see Then a Dog with no back legs and wheels behind the place the back legs where supposed to be. I hug Aiden and then I give him a kiss in the cheak. "Why was that for" he says confused. "Are you joking, You foster a dog with no legs and I love those kinds of people" I say.

I Thought of the kind of person Aiden was. He had became my new Super Man.

A/N: Again I am so sorry guys about not updating fast Its just I have a lot of homework and I have no Time sorry.

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